The Begining of Hurricane Katrina
Science of a HurricaneHurricane katrina wasjust starting to form over the Bahamas. Hurricane katrina will soon become know as one of the most costliest and most intense atlantic hurricanes on record. Florida sends out the first warning or advisory this day. http://www.dosomething.org/tipsandtools/hurricane-katrina-timeline -
Second day
Flash FloodFlorida sent out the message yesterday and immeadite evacuation began. This day the storm got it's name 'Katrina'. Today its strongets winds are blowing 40mph. The evacuations must start quickly, because in a couple of day's the entire city will be under water and traffic would be and is busy. tKatrina</a>>>http://news.bbc.co.uk/nol/shared/spl/hi/americas/05/katrina/html/ -
Day 3
Hurricane Animation Hurricane katrinas winds are up to 75mph. The eye of the hurricane is now present over south Florida. This is the type of damage that can happen if the winds reach over a 110mph.[' >Hurricane Katrina](<a href='<a href='http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/4588149.stm)How a Hurricane formes</a>.' >How a HURRICANE forms</a> -
4th day
Hurricane over the statesHurricane Katrina starts to loose its strenght, but as it reaches the Gulf Of Mexico the winds start to increase. Which means that it is now classafied as a Hurricane once again, which can cause immense damage. -
5th Day
Evacuation volunteerNew Orlean's mayor calls for a voluntary eveacuation. This meant that the volunteers were able to support people by taking them out of the city or by supplying them with shelter. Also the hospitals had people earching for thoes in need. -
Day six
on August 28 evacuations were being made. By night fall 80% of New Orlans people were evacuated. In New Orlans there was shelter at the Superdome for last minute people who were not able to leave town. There were at least 10,000 people in the Superdome, and at least 20,000 people at the Stadium which was also for shelter.http://www.google.com/search?num=10&hl=en&site=imghp&tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=1024&bih=587&q=Hurricane+Katrina&oq=Hurricane+Katrina&gs_l=img.3..0l10.1569.13393.0.13619.23.11.3. -
Hurrican Katrina hits
The water depth that hurricane katrina broughtMonday 29, the hurricane hit with winds of 125 mph near Buras - Triumph, louisiana. After moving southeastern louisiana and Breton sound, it made its third land fall near the Louisiana/Mississippi border with 120 mph winds. it was category 3. The rain began to drop more than 1 inch of water per hour. http://school.nettrekker.com.hestia.neisd.net:2048/goExternal?np=/sections/external/web/external.ftl&pp=/includes/widgets/errors/error.ftl&evlCode=286286&productName=school&al=High -
New Orleans
Rescue workers rescued hundreds of people who had been stranded by the flooding, They used boats and helicopters. 80% of the city was under increasingly contaminated water. No doubt the environment was starting to become unlivable. Sewage and wast was spilled right into New Orleans neighborhood. Also oil rigs were spilling into the ocean which had a bad impact on the marine animals. http://environment.about.com/od/environmentalevents/a/katrina_impact.htm -
the next day of the hurricane in New Orleans
New Orleans Under waterMore than 12,000 people are in the Superdome. The International airport is reopened for relief fflights. Emergency crews estimate that 80% of New Orleans is underwater that levee branches flooded the city. Search and rescue teams remain focused on lifefacing efforts and medical attention for suviviors.http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=pics+of+the+national+ga -
Some time in the day the secretary of Health and Human Services declared a public health emergancy in Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida. No doubt the flood brought contaminate water that some people or many got sick from.http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=pics+of+the+national+gaurds+giving+food+to+new+orleans+shelters+because+of+hurricane+katrina&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&biw=1024&bih=587&wrapid=tlif134966325185010&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&e -
Mayor goes on TV
Many people were left in the shelters without food or drinkable water. The mayor of Louisiana went on national TV asking for a supply of food for thoes that are taking shelters in the Superdome and the New Orleans Covention center. But until then they must search or stock up on what they have or can find.http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=pics+of+the+national+gaurds+giving+food+to+new+orleans+shelters+because+of+hurricane+katrina&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&biw=1024&bih=587&wrapid=tlif13496632 -
President signs the Bill
what happens next?President George W. Bush signs a bill giving 10.5 billion dollars in aid for Hurricane Katrina rescue and relief. New Orleans also got their supplies of food from national gaurd troops that also distributed water. Hurricane Katrina left people homeless and hopeless. Many people owned buisnesses that are now unrepairable. The storm left people in fear of living in their own homes. Many people were left stranded on the streets begging for food, and crime also increased on theft.