Balfour Declaration
Declared Israel as the Zionist state -
Britain recieves League of Nations mandate over Palastine
Palastinean Jews Migrate
500,000 Jews migrate to Palestine. They built modern cities, started industries, improved health standards, and established schools. -
Britain cuts off immigration
Britain severely cuts off Jewish immigration to Palestine. The Zionists claimed that Britain was violating the Balfour Declaration. -
Palestine and the UN
Britain turned the Palestine problem over to the United Nations general assembly. It voted to end the British mandate, place Jerusalem under international control, and partition Palestine into seperate Arab and Jewish states. -
Israel Proclaims Independence
The Israel people claim independence from Britain. The Israeli republic is the Middle East's only modern democratic state. -
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Israeli War for Independence
The Arab nations defied the UN decision for a Jewish state and attacked Israel. The Arabs were driven back and lost some territory to the Israelis. In 1949, the Arab states accepted the armistice agreements arranged by UN mediator Ralph Bunche. -
Sinai Campaign
Israel invaded Egypt to wipe out guerilla bases and end the Aqaba blockade. Israeli forces quickly scattered Nasser's armies and overran the Sinai Peninsula. -
Arab Isreale War
Egypt Syria and Jordan moved their armies toward their borders with Isreal. In a six day war the Isreale routed the Arab forces and siezed: from Egypt; the Gaza Strip and the entire Sinai Paninsula westward to the Suez Canal and southward to Sharm el Sheikh which opened the Gulf of Aqaba to Israeli shipping. From Jordan all territory on the West Bank of the Jordan River, including the Old City of Jerusalem. From Syria, the Golan Heights. The UN Security Council resolutions helped end it. -
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Arab Hostility and Diplomacy
Arab guerilla groupa raided Israeli settlements and gunned Israeli commercial airplanes at sirports in Europe. In 1972 Arab extremists employed Japanese terrorists to masacre innocent civilians at the Tel Aviv airport; Arab terrorists murdered 11 Israeli Olympic athletes and coaches at Munich. Israel raided guerilla bases in Syria and Lebanon. THe main threat to Israel was Egypt. In 1970, Nasser died and his position was assumed by Anwar al-Sadat. -
Arab Support for the PLO
The Arab nations unanimously declaired the PLO to be the "Sole legitimate representitive of the Palestinian people." -
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Lebanon's Civil War
Lebanon's deeply fragmented society fell into turmoil when Civil War broke out in 1975. -
Syrian Intervention
Syria sent 15,000 troops into Lebanon. -
The Sadat Visit to Israel
Egyptian President solicited an invitation from Israeli prime minister. -
PLO attacks and Israel's invasion of southern Lebanon
A PLO squad landed on the Israeli coast and killed 30 civilians. -
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Iran-Iraq War
established a boundary between two nations providing for shared control of the Shatt al-Arab waterway at the northern tip of the Persian Gulf. -
Splits in the PLO
Isreal invaded Lebanon and forced most PLO guerrillas to leave. -
Suicide Bombings
The United States joined France, Italy, and Britain in creating a multinational force to help the weak Lebanese government. They drove trucks into United States and French military compunds in 1983, blowing up trucks and killing 241 Marines and 58 French Soldiers. -
Palistine as an Independent State
Arafat and the Palestine Nationsl Council met in Algiers to proclaim the formation of an independent state of Palistine with its capital in Jerusalem. -
The UN arranged a ceasefire in August 1988 that haulted fighting.