Judaism in the Roman World 63BC
In 63BC, Roman forces under Pompey conquered Judea after months of brutal fighting. As the rulers of Judea, Romans chose a new ruler for the region and installed him as king. like other people the Romans conquered, the Jews had to pay tribute to the Romans. Unlike other people however, the Jews were not willing to abandon thier region. To avoid trouble the Roman leaders allowed to the Jews to practice their religion as long as they agreed to pay heavy tribute and maintaine civic order. -
Civil Wat
The social war revealed the talent of one general in particular, the abiticious Lucius Cornelius Sulla, who became consul in 88BC. During Sulla's consulship, Marius and his supporters defied Roman custom by trying to prevent Sulla from taking a military command. Sulla responded by marching on Rome with his legions. In the civil war that followed, Sulla emerged victorious and became dictator, In a bloody purge he executed those who had opposed him or whom he believed to be a danger to the state. -
Result of the Second Punic War
As a resulkt of the Second Punic War, Rome became the leading power of the western Mediterrarian. The Romans stripped Carthage of its navy and the lands it had once held in Spain. However, the Romans did not destroy the city, as many citizense had wanted -
The Punic Wars
In 202 BC Scipio routed Hannibles forces on the plain of Zuma outside Carthage and took the city, ending the Second Punic War. -
The Punic War
Relations between Rome and Carthage were strained after the First Punic War, and violence soon broke out again. The Carthagian general Hannibal led a well trained army and force of war elephants across the Pyrenees and the Alps to invade Italy. -
The Conquest of Italy
Romans had defeated the Etruscans and the Greek cities in southern Italy. As the Romans conquered Italy, they generally imposed few conditions on there subject peoples. These subjects had to provide troops to the Roman army, but Rome rarley interfered with the domestic affairs of the peoples it conquered. -
Rome's Rebublic Government.
Romans began to elect magistrates called praetors. Primarily judges paretors could efect the consuls when the consuls were away at war. As Rome expanded, both conuls and praetors were usually given military commands or were appointed as provinvial governers after finishing their terms of office. -
Patricians and Peblians
Around 450BC the peblians forced the Patricians to have all laws written down. The laws were displayed in the Roman Forum, or central square, on 12 large bronze tablets. -
Jan 2, 616
The Etruscans
Rome was led by Latin Kings in early years, however, it came under the rule of the Etruscans of northern Italy. From evidence found at the Etruscan cemeteries, scholars believe that they were great metal workers and jewlers whose culture had been heavily infuenced on Roman society. -
Jan 1, 753
The Founding of Rome.
In the middle of a pininsula in Italy a city grew up called, Rome. The city was believed to be founded by twin brothers Romulus and Remus. People that built Rome were members of an Indo-European tribe known as the Latins who had reached Italy in the 1000's BC