570 BCE
Cambrian Period 570-500 MYA
The cambrian was the first geological time period of the Paleozoic Era ( the time of ancient life ). This period lasted about 53 million years ago and marked a dramatic brust of evolutionary changes in life on the earth, know as the cambrian explosion. -
488 BCE
Ordonician Period 488.3-443.7 MYA
The ordonician period lasted almost 45 million years begining 488.3 million years ago and ending 443.7 million years ago. During this period, the area north of the tropics was almost entirely ocean, and most of the worlds land was collected into the southern supercontient gondwana. -
443 BCE
Silurian Period 443-416 MYA
Underwater life thrived during the silurian period, 443 million years ago to 416 million years ago. The silurian period occured from 443 million to 416 million years ago. It was the third period in the Paleozoic era. It followed the ordovician period and the preceded the Devonian period. -
419 BCE
Devonian Period 419.2-358.9 MYA
The Devonian period is a geoglogic period and system of the Paleozoic era spanning 60 million years ago to the begining of the Carboniferous 358.9 million years ago. It is named after Devon, england, where rocks from the period were first studied. Also there were many animals that lived during the devonian period like the tetrapods a land living vegtebrates, the arthropads, and the brachiopods that flourished in our oceans. -
359 BCE
Carboniferous Period 359.2-299 MYA
The carboniferous period is most famous for its vast swamp forest. Which were home to many types of life like amphibians, hylonomos, and petrolocosaurs. Also the sawmps produced coal deposits from which the term carboniferous or carbon bearing came from. The carboniferous period lasted from about 359.2 million years ago to 299 million years ago. -
299 BCE
Permian Period 299-251 MYA
The Permian period lasted from 299 to 251 million years ago and ended in the largest mass extinction the earth has ever seen and was also the last period of the paleozoic era. Then came the emerging supercontinent pangaea which presented it's self as a vast peice of land that was cold and arib, with most of the region frozen under ice caps. -
251 BCE
Triassic Period 251-199 MYA
The triassic period was the first period of the mesozoic era and occured between 251 million and 199 million years ago. It followed the great mass extinction at the end of the permain period and was a time when life outside of the oceans began to diversity. Also the climate during the triassic period was mainly hot and dry. -
199 BCE
Jurassic Period 199.6 to 145.5 MYA
The Jurassic period was the second segment of the mesozoic era. It occured from 199.6 to 145.5 million years ago, following the triassic period and the proceeding the cretaceous period. During the jurassic period the supercontinent pangaea split apart. Also many animals lived during the jurassic period like the herbivorous, sauropods, camarauros, apatosaurus, dipodocus, and brachiosaurs. -
66 BCE
Tertiary Period 66 to 2.6 MYA
The tertiary period is a interval of geologic time lasting from 66 million to 2.6 million years ago. It is the traditional name for the first of the two period in the cenozoic era. Also many animals lived in the cenozoic era but mainly mammals like bears, cats, dogs, seals. whales, and humans. -
Quaternary Period 1.8 MYA
The quaternary period, which begun about 1.8 million years ago is still going on today. We live in the quaternary period. So far it is the shorter period than all the others. Also at the begining of the quaternary period people in africa were already using stone tools. -
Cretaceous Period 145.0 to 66 MYA
The cretaceous period was the last of the three periods of the mesozoic era. The cretaceous period began 145.0 million years ago and ended 66 million years ago. It followed the jurassic period and was succeeded by the paleogene period. Also during the cretaceous period there were more dinosaurs then ever before mainly armored and horned dinosaurs.