Humanities Unit 5 Project

  • 6000 BCE

    First Humans in Egypt

    First Humans in Egypt
    Egypt was home to living animals over 1.8 million years ago. 6 thousand years ago the first humans settled in ancient Egypt. Their settlement pre-dated the culture and even the name of Egypt, they were simply hunter-gatherers that used the Nile river as a source of water and food. The evolution of Egypt came from the cultural idea to leave behind barbarianism. The early Egyptians had long beards and hair on their heads, but as they wanted to become more modern they shaved their heads/beards.
  • Period: 6000 BCE to 1 CE


  • 3000 BCE

    First Dynasty

    First Dynasty
    The Predynastic warriors that were from the upper part of Egypt, the Scorpion, Namar, and other soldiers began to see who would rule over the lower part of Egypt. Through the Delta in Lower Egypt, the citizens started to make their own culture. The Aha won Lower Egypt and made a second kingdom. Aha found the capital city of Memphis and made clans to make sure armies don't merge. The Egyptians started to make an army so then mines and the Quarries they had captured.
  • 2700 BCE

    Age of Pyramids

    Age of Pyramids
    In 2700-2200 BC, also known as the “Age of the Pyramids”, people of the region perfected pyramid building. King Sneferu was one of the first kings to perfect this, amongst kings Khufu and Khafre. All of these kings made the pyramids at Giza. Pyramids were only built by the richest people. Pyramids today have ridges on the sides, and they weren’t there when it was built. The smooth sides eroded and broke away, leaving the step-like features.
  • Period: 2700 BCE to 2200 BCE

    Old Kingdom Period

  • 2181 BCE

    Stone Tablets

    Stone Tablets
    Information from the fourth dynasty to the sixth is very slim. In 2686-2181 BC, things were written on stone tablets. These tablets broke over time and lost all the information on them. You may find writings on the walls in temples, and pictures drawn to send messages. This is how the ancient Egyptians communicated and wrote things. It is extremely important to know how they shared information to understand how we do.
  • Period: 2050 BCE to 1800 BCE

    Middle Kingdom

  • 1800 BCE

    Joseph Enters Egypt

    Joseph Enters Egypt
    Joseph entered Egypt around the year 1800 BCE. He was enslaved by the Ishmaelites (Arabs), and he was sold by his 11 brothers. After making it into Egypt he soon took over as the right-hand man of the Pharoah. He did this by climbing the ranks through the prediction of a 7-year famine. He advised the Pharoah to store enough food to prepare for a 7-year famine, after the famine happened he saved Egypt. After this, he was highly revered and welcomed his brothers into Egypt.
  • 1602 BCE

    15 dynasty

    15 dynasty
    The 15th dynasty was a lineage of rulers known as the Great Hyksos who told the Asiatics to build an Avris in the Delta. They defeated the Memphis and opened Egypt's borders at the East. After this happened, the Canaanites and other communities came to Egypt territory. The Hyksos ruled Egypt ruled even the Cusae which was far south of Egypt. Overtime these quarrels known as Aphophis become powerful and attacked the Hyksos and drove them out of Egypt.
  • Period: 1550 BCE to 1100 BCE

    New Kingdom Period

  • 1440 BCE

    Moses Leaves Egypt

    Moses Leaves Egypt
    Moses left for Egypt in 1440 BCE. He was in Egypt due to the Egyptian enslavement of the Hebrew nation. Moses and his brother Aaron led the exodus of the Israelite nation out of Egypt at this time. Moses took the Hebrews into the wilderness where they stayed for 40 years until reaching Canaan. When Moses left Egypt, the country was in the New Kingdom Period. When the 12 tribes of Israel came to Egypt Pre-Enslavement, they were in the Middle Kingdom period of ancient Egypt.
  • 525 BCE

    Persia Defeats Egypt

    Persia Defeats Egypt
    Ahmose ||, who was Pharoh at the time, died just before the Persians made their last move. Because of this his son, Psamtik |||, was the ruler at the time of the fall. There are many conspiracies about why the Persians attacked. One of which is this. The Pharoh would not give away his daughter’s hand in marriage. The Egyptians were defeated at the “Battle of Pelusium” and they lost again at Helopis. This led to their eventual downfall to the Persians and Cambyus || victory.
  • 323 BCE

    Greeks Conquer Egypt

    Greeks Conquer Egypt
    Greeks had loved Egypt for so long before Alexander the Great conquered it. Some even went there as tourists. They loved the entire culture. After all, the architectural and artistic styles were like no other. When the Greek’s conquered Egypt many things stayed the same. Alexander the Great decided to adopt their government by appointing himself Pharoh. He also combined two of the Egyptians’ gods creating “Zeus Amon.” This era of Greek rule was known as the Ptolemaic period.
  • 30 BCE

    Rome Conquers Egypt

    Rome Conquers Egypt
    Rome made alliances with the Greeks that were ruling Rome. So, when Ptolemy Auletes died a Greek took over. He joined Egypt to Rome and called it Aegyptus. Many things changed after this. For example, Egypt was broken into providences over which a Prefect ruled. Also, agriculture grew but the economy was destroyed. Your social status became based on ethnicities such as Roman citizen, Egyptian, and Jew. Another change is that safety increased because of military protection.