Humanities 8B 2021 Worldview Timeline

By ORBit92
  • 500 BCE

    Classical Worldview

    Classical Worldview
  • Period: 500 BCE to 500

    Classical Worldview

    A Trident represents the Classical Worldview perfectly. People during the Classical Era could not explain natural phenomenons so they used many Gods to attempt to explain them. An example is the God Poseidon. His symbol was a Trident. He was the god of the ocean. People speculated that when the seas were rough he was angry. People during the Classical Worldview were very much tuned to logic and reasoning.
  • 500

    Medieval Worldview

    Medieval Worldview
  • Period: 500 to 1500

    Medieval Worldview

    People during the Medieval worldview would spend lots of time and effort doing things important to their religion. Religion was very important in this era. These murals from Cattedrale Di Monreale took blood sweat and tears to create. This truly shows that people believed very strongly in their chosen religion.
  • 1300

    Renaissance Worldview

    Renaissance Worldview
  • Period: 1300 to

    Renaissance Worldview

    During the Renaissance people were still very deep into religion. The Creation of Adam by Michelangelo perfectly shows the people's intense interest in finding out the origins of our species and life itself through religion.
  • Enlightenment Worldview

    Enlightenment Worldview
  • Period: to

    Enlightenment Worldview

    The Enlightenment was a time of philosophy and learning. The Weimar Court of the Muses by Theobald Van Oer portrays this with absolute perfection. It depicts a crowd of people being taught about something by a man in a dark brown coat.
  • Romantic Worldview

    Romantic Worldview
  • Period: to

    Romantic Worldview

    Romanticism was very much focused around emotion and feelings. The Desperate Man by Gustave Courbet expresses this perfectly. The man depicted in the painting is obviously very deep into emotions, obviously expressing worry or anxiousness.
  • Victorian Worldviewew

    Victorian Worldviewew
  • Period: to

    Victorian Worldview

    This painting represents the Victorian Worldview flawlessly. The Victorian Worldview was strongly influenced by the Medieval Worldview. The people had a very strong moral code as shown in this painting. All women in the painting are wearing the same style of clothing, same with most of the men.
  • Modern Wolrdview

    Modern Wolrdview
  • Period: to

    Modern Worldview

    This painting represents the Modern Worldview perfectly. The Modern Worldview disagreed with the morals of the Victorian Worldview and wanted to find new ways of expression. This art shows that exactly. It differs from the normal idea of art and shows it from a new perspective.
  • Postmodern Worldview

    Postmodern Worldview
  • Period: to

    Postmodern Worldview

    This painting of Marilyn Monroe by Andy Warhol describes the Postmodern Worldview to a point. The Modern Worldview puts emphasis on the fact that there is no "one" truth. Truth is relative depending on your perspective. This painting shows that through the fact that there were many copies made in different colors almost as if to prove that one object could be seen in many different ways.
  • Post-Postmodern Worldview

    Post-Postmodern Worldview
  • Period: to

    Post-Postmodern Worldview

    The Parthenon of Forbidden Books is a wonderful piece of art that really shows the ideals of the Post-Postmodern Worldview. This artwork takes many "banned" books and puts them together to create a building similar to the Parthenon. The Parthenon was created by the Greeks, who as we know were very tuned to logic and reasoning. Building the Parthenon out of banned books gives the idea that everything is relative depending on your perspective.