Hominds (Lucy )
Austrolopithecus Aferensis Lived 4 million years ago , they were biped , they had there free hands for things like protection and food carrying. There teeth were strong for biting and ripping. -
Homo Habilas
They are biped , they have an omnivoris diet , they have a bigger brain than Lucy and they learned how to make tools. -
Homo Eructus
They do all the same things Homo Hablias does ( biped , tools, diet, bigger brain) and now the use fire. -
Homo Sapien Neanderthalensis
They do all the same things as Lucy,Homo Hablias , And Homo Eructus ( bigger brains , omnivour diet , teeth , biped , tools , fire) and know they bury there dead as a show of respect -
Homo Sapien Sapien
Sapien Sapiens do all the same things as the 4 others like they are biped , they use tools, they use fire , they have a diet , they have stong teeth and know they have the biggest brain and they have what people call communities and they care for eachother , plus they learned to plant crops for more food. -
Rise Of the Kingdom of Sumer
Approx.2900 B.C.E. , The government was structured with a Monarchy ,he would collect taxes , build temples, ran the army. They created the wheel and the arch. -
The Epic of Gilgamesh
7th century BCE in the royal library. Gilgamesh is the king of Sumer . HE was part God part Human . He killed Humbaba with Enkidu , killed the Bull of Heaven with Enkidu and through the best funeral for enkidu . -
Approx.1900 BCE .Abraham was the one who God told to go to the promise land. He lived in Ur,Mesopitamia. Then god told him to move to Isreal.then moved to canaan.Abraham is important because God talked to him and his granson JAcob then had 12 kids which made the 12 troups of Isreal , the Isrealites . -
Hammurabi's Code
1792-1750 BCE . HAmmurabi was the king of Babylon give the spot by Shamash . His code of laws was a mixuture of the law itself and the punishment . -
Joesph goes to Egypt and the Isrealites follow
Approx.1900-1280 BCE . Joesph was the kid of jacob who was the kid of Isaac who is the kid of Abraham. He moved to mEgypt because i brother sold him as a slave and thats where is Slaveowner carried him.Then he became the dream interpreter for the Pharaoh .He moved the Isrealists to Egypt because of a Famine. -
Moses, the Exodus from Egypt, and the Ten Commandments
Approx.1280-1240 BCE . Moses was a Jewish slave baby when is mother ssent him down a river and who was rescued by the pharaohs daughter and she raised him .He started the ten plagues . The exodus is the holiday passover . -
The Time of the Judges/The Time Before Kings
Deborah was a judge she lived in Iseral and she was one of the biggest judges there and she was the only women judge. Ruth was before the kings . Aprrox the middle of the 13th century to the middle of the 11th century BCE -
The Reign of David
David was a very important man. He was a king , he became king by beating goliath the giant man . Approx. 1013-973 BCE -
Approx. 875-853 BCE. Elijah was somebody famous for her actions Elijah was a prophet who proved Qu'ran that there is only one God -
Seige of Lachish
Accured around 1000 BC in the Medaterian area. The Seige of Lachish is described in the Lachish Reliefs. The war was against Assyria and Lachish. It started because the Lachish king rebelled against the Assarian king Sennachrib. -
Siege of jerusalem
It occured because the King of Jerusalem rebelled against the King of Babylon not once -but twice. The King refused and that is exactly what happened. The people of Jerusalme was forced to learn the Babylonian ways and serve them and sing for them. -
Indus Valley Civilization 2000bce
The Indus put great importance on cleanliness or ritual bathing. MohenjoDaro ( 1922 ) and Harappa ( 1921 ) two of the major Indus cities, contained a huge water tank for public bathing. -
The Aryan Invasion and the Vedas 1700 BCE
The Aryans, a powerful race, traveled through Europe and Asia, conquering whomever they encountered.They were not agricultural people.
The Vedas were transcibed into Sanskrit. -
The Ascetics and the Upanishads 700-500 BCE
The ascetic was a person dedicated to a life of spirticual austerity and self discipilined. untouched by the social system, ascetics often chosea hermitage in the forest or gathered with others to live lives of intense devotion and meditation.