lifetime of lucy
they lived 4 millon yearss ago.
lucy was biped and gatherd food and knew how to protect their childern. lucys brain was smaller than ours now. -
Homo Hablitis
lived 2.5 millon years ago.
they where biped and knew how to grather and hunt. they were also called handy man. Hablits has a brain and knows how to travel and uses tools. -
Homo Erectus
Homo Erectus lived 1.8 million years ago.
Homo Erectus is more taller and bigger. also is biped and has a bigger brain. They made tools and knows how to make fire and can hunt. -
They lived aprox 500.000 years ago.
They where biped and had large brains and knew how to make fire. They also knew how to use alot of tools. They also had a belif system. -
Modern Humans
Modern Humans had a community and knew how to make fire. Also they knew how to make food and knew how to get food by hunting and gathering. They were also biped and were the closest to us as humans. They also did art and they stayed in on place and started aguclutre. -
1806 the epic ogf gilgamesh
exact date of writting unkown best cpoies discoverd in the 7th centurey BCE royal libary. -
1807 abraham
approx 1900BCE -
1805 rise of the kingdom of sumer
approx 2900 B.C.E -
1812: The Reign of David
Approx. 1013-973 BCE -
1813: Elijah
Approx. 875-853 BCE -
1811: The Time of the Judges/The Time Before Kings
Approx. the middle of the 13th century to the middle of the 11th century BCE -
1815: Siege of Jerusalem
587 B.C.E
During that time there was a war. The king did not have any common sense because the kingdom was burned down and to me that was not smart. The war was very brutal and very bad back then. Also i think the kings name was Nacsezer sorry if i have have it spelled wrong but that king was not smart at all on how they did war. -
1814: Siege of Lachish
701 B.C.E Picture a room whose walls are completely covered with stone carvings about eight feet (2.5m) high. They tell the story of a great siege. The siege of Lachish in Judea, in 701 BC. Think of a film in stone - an early Hollywood epic, perhaps, with a cast of thousands. The first scene shows the invading army marching in, then comes the bloody battle around the besieged town, and then we move on to the dead, the injured, and the columns of passive refugees. Relifs are pantings -
1818: the ascetics and the upanishads
700-500 BCE -
1816: indus valley civilltions
2000 BCE -
1817 : the aryan invasion and the vedas
1700 BCE