life time of lucy
lucy lived 4 million years ago. she walked on 2 feet, collected/carried food. she was a scavager. -
the homohabilis lived 2 million years ago. they called him handy man. they were a biped. they didnt eat meat and had large brains. -
homo erectus
homo erectus live about 1.8 million years ago.they ate meat and were bipeds. they had bigger brians and had fires.theys where also handy men -
they lived less then 500,000 years ago.
*meat eaters
*bigger brains
*better fire uses
*berried the died
* had better tools
* had handles on tools -
homo sapiens sapiens
*better/advanced tools
*more advenced fies
*ate meat and plants
*barried the dead
*begain the first gowing system
*communacation (symboles) -
The Time of the Judges/The Time Before Kings
Approx. the middle of the 13th century to the middle of the 11th century BCE. Before the kings, the civilazation was a terible place with slavory where in egypt poeple would work for the king untill they died. -
The Reign of David
Approx. 1013-973 BCE.When david had become king, he hadont only became just a king but became one of the most memorable kings that no one forgot.he steped foward in front of the great gint and fought im with just 2 sticks a rubber band and a rock, he had managed to hit him rigght between his eyes and kill him. when the king at that time had heard about it, he took it as a threat and send out people to kill him.david had to him, untill the king died. when the kind died david had become king. -
Approx. 875-853 BCE.Elijah had listened to the god and had went to the desert, where god said that a bird will fly to him and bring him food and water or what ever he needs to servive only if he listend to him.when the drought was over god told him that it was ok to him to go back to his land. when he got back he challenged someone that didnt believe in god to see if their god would give them fire. he had won that challenge. -
Siege of Lachish
The capture of Lachish was evidently an event of considerable importance to the king for he devoted an entire room to the composition .Moreover, the approach to the room was guarded by a series of three pairs of colossal human-headed winged bulls, one pair at each of the three doorways leading from the large courtyard. Normally, these figures are only used to mark the most important rooms in the palace. It is somewhat surprising, then, that the place is not name -
Siege of Jerusalem
The siege lasted from April to September of 70 AD. The Temple was burned on the 9th of Av (by the Jewish calendar), the same date the first temple fell and the same date the Bar Kochba rebellion is said to have been defeated.