humanities 7

By fkf2483
  • lifetime of lucy

    Australopithecus Afarensis
    4 million bce years ago-biped,gather food because hands are free,teeth
  • Homo Habilis

    2 million bce
    better tools,good diet, big brain
  • Homo Erectus

    1.8 million bce
    even bigger brains,better tools, fire-cook things,defend themselves, keep warm
  • Neanderthal

    approx-500,000 bce
    big brains, fire better tools, buried there dead, cared about eachother
  • Homo sapiens sapiens

    tall, amnivors, agriculture, settle in communities
  • Rise of kingdom of sumer

    Approx:2900 BCE
    Sumer was located in mesopotamia. Some geographic features were rivers and mountains. Their government was monarchy, ruled by one king. The king collected taxes, built temples, led the army,and delagated. They made the wheel and the arch.
  • The Epic of Gilgamesh

  • Abraham

    1900 BCE
    Abraham was a very important figure and he was a herdsman. Abraham lived in canaan. Abraham defeated 4 kings that invaded canaan. He is important because he went to sacrifice his son because god told him to. From doing this he got alot of trust and faith from others.also an obstacle was being loyal to god and keep his son safe at the same time.
  • Hammurabis Code

    Hammurabi was a king of Mesopotamia. He also lived there. Is code was Hammurabis Code. That was to keep everyone safe. Some of his most important were,laws #, 129,148,168,195,21,23,48,53,54,196,199,209,213,215,218.
  • Joseph Goes to Egypt and the Israelites Follow

  • Moses,the exodus from Egypt,and the ten Commandments

    Approx:1280-1240 BCE
    Moses was a Jewish man. Moses is important because he led the Jews to Sanai Peninsula. He is important because he recived the ten commandments. The ten commandments are laws that god made for people to follow. They are important because the laws protect the people. Moses gave them to the israelites. The ten commandments were given to them in their homeland.
  • The time of judges/the time before kings

    the middle of the 13th centuary to the middle of the 11th centuary.
    Deborah was a great judge that helped people with their problems. She is famous for being the only female judge. Obstacles is that Deborah had to join Barak in the army and to fix that she defeated the enemy. Ruths most famous decendent is king David. Obstacle is that her husband died so she had no kids. To solve that, she married a new man and had a child.
  • The reign of david

    1013-973 BCE
    David was a shepard in his early years. Saul got jelous of davids popularity so he tried to kill him several times. David and his followers had to flee from saul. With the defeat of the israelites and the defeat of saul at the hands of the Philistines,David was annointed king over judah.Considered important:killed Goliath,made preparations for building a central sanctuary,organized the arny.He delt with those by trying hard.
  • Elijah

    875-853 BCE
    Elijah was a prophet in israel.As a prophet,he was active in the defense of god.He is famous for the miracles he made like,bringing the dead son of a black widow to life,caused fire to come out of the sky and consume a burnt offering.Obstacle: His teachings brought him to conflict with the kings and because of that he had to flee.
  • Seige of Lachish

    701 BCE
    - famous for the hanging gardens.
    - A great empire was created by the assyrians
  • Siege of Jerusalem

    587 BCE
    - They constantly conqured and invaded
    - Their leader lacks common sense.
    -They lost alot of gold
  • Indus Valley Civilizations

    2000 BCE
    Some things that were important to them were agriculture, religion, ritual bathing, and the fertility and strength of goddesses. Some artifacts that were found there were the water tank for bathing, the seals, and the fertility and strength of the goddess and the rebirth and coninuity. They survived by growing crops, water, and by praying.
  • The Arayan Invasion and the Vedas

    1700 BCE
  • The Ascetics and the Upanishads

    700-500 BCE
    They lived their lives by prayer and spirituals. They gave spiritual austerity and self discipline to hindus and used devotion and medition, inspiring others.