

  • Life time of Lucy

    Lucy lived 4 million years ago in Africa. She walked on two feet and could gather food.Lucy was a Australopithecus afarensis.
  • Homo habilis

    Homo habilis lived 2 million years ago. they could walk on two feet, gather food, had a bigger brain and used tools.
  • Homo erectus

    Homo erectus lived 1.8 million years ago. They could walk on two feet, gather food, had bigger brains, used tools and had fire.
  • Neandrathals

    The Neandrathals lived less than 500,000 years ago. They walked on two feet, gathered food, had bigger brains, used tools, had fire and lived in groups.
  • Homo sapian sapian

    Homo sapian sapians are modern humans so we have the ability to walk on two feet, gather food, have the biggest brain, have tools, have fire, live in groups,demestocate animals and have art.
  • Rise of the kingdom of Sumer

    2900 BC, Sumer was a civalalazation that had these checterations shared by all civalations. They have government, socal struchur, religon, writing, tecnoligy, stable food suply, and culture.
  • the Epic of Gilgamesh

    Exact date of writing unknown; best copies discovered in a 7th century BC royal library, the epic of Gilgamesh was a story about a greedy king named Gilgamesh who ruled the city of UR. the gods made him an equel to stop him, theybecome very good friends and go on meny adventurs together.
  • Aberham

    Aprox: 1900 BC. aberham was origenaly from UR untill god told him to move his family to jurusalum.
  • Hammerabies coad

    1792-1750 BC hamurabies code was a set of rules in babalon writen by there king hamurabi. the code had a harsh punishment for allins laws covering a wide range of topics.
  • Joseph goes to Egypt and the Israelites follow

    Approx. 1700-1280 BC Joseph was forced from canan to egypt when brothers forced him into slavery. when he was in eypt he became a very powerful adviser to the pharo. durring a famen his family got reunited. but when a new pharo came into power he was scared of jewish population and made them all slaves.
  • Moses, the Exodus from Egypt, and the Ten Commandments

    Approx. 1280-1240 BC. god told moses to lead his people out of egypt to freeom. he asked the pharo to let his peope go 10 times and every time he said no one plage would come to egypt. when they were set free moses parted the red sea so they could cross.
  • The Time of the Judges/The Time Before Kings

    Approx. the middle of the 13th century to the middle of the 11th century BCE
  • The Reign of David

    Approx. 1013-973 BCE
  • Elijah

    Approx. 875-853 BCE
  • Siege of Lachish

  • Siege of Jerusalem

  • indus vally cizelazations

  • The Aryan Invasion and the Vedas

  • The Ascetics and the Upanishads