Lifetime of Lucy
Australopithecus Afarensis live 4 million years ago. They are scavengers and a biped. A biped is something that moves on two legs -
Lifetime of Handy Man
Homo Habilis lived 2 million years ago. They are scanvegers, bipeds, have bigger brains, and uses tools. -
Lifetime of Upright Men
Homo Erectus lived 1.8 million years ago. they are scavengers, bipeds, have bigger brains, uses tools, and controls fire -
Lifetime of Neanderthals
Homo sapiens neanderthalensis lived less than 500,000 years ago. They are scanvergers,bipeds, bigger brains, tools, fire, and a sense of community. They buried their dead -
Lifetime of Early modern humans
Homo sapiens sapiens are a kind of homo sapiens that is still not still extinct.They ar scanvergers, biped, larger brain, tools, community, growing crops, and sense of communication -
Rise of the Kingdom of Sumer Rise of the Kingdom of Sumer
Approx. 2900 BCE -
The Epic of Gilgamesh
Exact date of writing unknown; best copies discovered in a 7th century BCE royal library -
Approx. 1900BCE. First his name was abram. He gets abraham after he plages to god. Abraham has a son named Issac. One day God told abraham to sacrifice his only son.He attamptes to but an angel stops abraham -
The Time of the Judges/The Time Before Kings
Approx. the middle of the 13th century to the middle of the 11th century BCE -
The Reign of David
. 1013-973 BCE -
875-853 BCE -
Siege of Lachish
701 BCE. The kingdom of Assyria conquered judea in this year. -
Siege of Jerusalem
587 BCE. This date was when the chaldeans captured Jerusalem with the chaldeans' king Nebuchadnezzar. -
Indus Valley Civilizations
2000BCE -
The Aryan Invasion and the Vedas
1700BCE -
The Ascetics and the Upanishads