Human Rights Timeline - Josh

  • 539 BCE

    Cyrus The Great

    After conquering Babylon, he announced that all slaves were free, and that everyone had the freedom to choose their own religion. He documented his words on a clay tablet known as the Cyrus Cylinder.
  • 27 BCE

    Natural Law

    Rome noticed that people followed certain laws even if they weren't told to do so, these were called the Natural Laws.
  • 1215

    Magna Carta

    It is a document of human rights, agreed to by King John of England
  • British Petition of Rights

  • British Bill of Rights

  • America Declares Independence

    America gains freedom from the British and becomes an independent country.
  • French Revolution

    The French revolted for their own rights, which were based on Rome's natural laws which became natural rights.
  • Napoleon Invades Europe

    He wanted to overthrow the new French democracy and crown himself king of the world.
  • Europe Rises against Napoleon

    Several European countries join together against Napoleon, and human rights became a hot topic again.
  • Period: to

    Two World Wars

    In the fight for freedom two world wars erupt. Hitler exterminates half the Jewish population of earth.
  • Mahatma Gandhi Leads India Protests

    He insisted that all people of earth had rights, not just Europe.
  • Gandhi-Irwin Pact

    Even Europeans began to agree with Gandhi's ideas.
  • United Nations Established

    Countries of earth come together to reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights.
  • Universal Declaration of Rights

    Under the supervision of Eleanor Roosevelt, the United Nations created a set of human rights that applied to everyone.