Human Migration During The Ice Age

  • 80,000 BCE

    African Divide

    80,000 - 60,000 years ago. Humans move away from Africa heading in different directions. They each develop their own culture and means to survival. They cross the straits of current day Yemen to settle in new areas.
  • Period: 80,000 BCE to 10,000 BCE

    Human Migration During The Ice Age

  • 77,000 BCE

    India and Malaysia Settled

    77,000 years ago. Drifting along the coast, humans settled along India, Malaysia, and Indonesia.
  • 70,000 BCE

    China settled

    70,000 years ago, The settlers from Malaysia's descendants continued along the coast, settling in China.
  • 60,000 BCE

    Australia Settled

    60,000 years ago, settlers left China and set sail for Australia.
  • 50,000 BCE

    Migrants Move North

    50,000 years ago. Humans move north to Europe.
  • 44,000 BCE

    Siberia Settled

    44,000 years ago. Siberia is settled as humans continued their move north.
  • 30,000 BCE

    Korea and Japan Settled

    30,000 years ago. An existing land bridge from Korea to Japan helped settle this area.
  • 18,000 BCE

    Humans move towards Alaska

    18,000 years ago. Humans move across existing lands from Siberia to Alaska.
  • 16,000 BCE

    North America Settled

    16,000 years ago. Humans move into North America.
  • 10,000 BCE

    Ice Age Migration Completed

    The entire journey lasted 70,000 years. The years that followed brought humans to South America and across Asia.