Htiler, Stalin, Mussolini, and Mao

By Sroka22
  • Stalin was born

    Stalin was born
    Stalin was born in Gori, Rusisia
  • Mussolini is born.

    Mussolini is born.
    Born as Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini. In Predappio, Italy. Mother was Rosa; a catholic school teacher and his father was Alessandro a blacksmith.
  • Hitler is born

    Hitler is born
    Hitler was born in Austria at 6:30 pm
  • Mao is born

    Mao is born
    Mao was born into a farmers family. He was born in Shaoshan, Hunan Province, China
  • Stalin is arrested for the first time

    Stalin is arrested for the first time
    Stalin is arrested for the first time and exiled to Serbia
  • Mussolini returns to Italy

    Mussolini returns to Italy
    Mussolini returns to Italy and remains engaged in politics.
  • Stalin first meets Lenin

    Stalin first meets Lenin
    Stalin goes as a delegate to Bolshevik meeting in Finland, he there meets Lenin for the first time.
  • Mao gets married

    Mao gets married at a very early age.
  • Mussolini is injured

    Mussolini is injured
    Mussolini is injured in training camp excercizes.
  • Stalin gets married

    Stalin marries his sweetheart Nadezhda Alliluyeva
  • Mussolini runs for office

    Mussolini ran in the parliamentary elections but was defeated
  • Mao is a founder of the Communist Party in China

    Mao was one of the founders of the CPC (Communitst Party in China) His ideas were based off of the ideas with Lenin and the Russian Revoltion. He also thought communism would be good for peasents, but no one believed him.
  • Mussolini becomes head of the goverment

    Mussolini led Italy in 3 sucessful war, the last of which overturned his regime. His term ended in 1943
  • Stalin comes to power

    Stalin comes to power
    Stalin came to power after the death of Vladimir Lenin
  • Hitler goes to trial for treason

    Hitler was tried for high treason after the Beer Hall Putsch, which many anticapted this would end his poltical career, but it did not
  • Mussolini ends womens rights

    Mussolini ends womens rights
    Mussolini ends women rights in Italy
  • Under Stalin's rule a famine spreads

    Terrible famine across the Soviet Union; millions die
  • Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany

    Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany
    On this day in 1933, President Paul von Hindenburg names Adolf Hitler, leader or fÜhrer of the National Socialist German Workers Party (or Nazi Party), as chancellor of Germany
  • Hitler announces support for Japan

  • Hitler is Times "Man of the Year."

    Hitler is Times "Man of the Year."
    Hitler is awared the honor of becoming Times, "Man of the Year" However, his face was not pictured on the cover.
  • Mussolini joins Hitler

    Mussolini joins Hitler
    Mussolini joins Hitler in Germany's war and Italy declares war agaisnt France and Britan.
  • Hitler takes control of netural countries: Denmark, Norway, Belgium, Holland, and Luxembourg

  • Hitler invades the Soviet union

    Adolf always reguarded the German-Soviet nonagression pact. This pact ensured that Nazi Germany and the Soviet union would not attack each other.
  • Mussilini is arrested and resigns

  • Mussolini is captured and killed

    Mussolini is captured and hanged by Italian partisens
  • Hitler marries Eva Braun

    Hitler marries Eva Braun
    Hitler marries his long time partner, Eva Braun.
  • Hitler's death

    Hitler's death
    Hitler commits sucide with his wife, Eva
  • Stalin dies

    At age 73 he suffered cerebral hemorrhage. He died at apprometly 9:50 pm.
  • Mao was involved in the Hundred Flowers campain movement

    Mao was involved in the Hundred Flowers campain movement
    Throughout 6 weeks:
    Mao encouraged criticism of China Communist Party to help 5 year plan success
    Mao felt threatened by the criticism
    As a result of the movent, indivduials were placed under a more strict control.
  • Mao dies

    Mao dies at the age of 82 of a motor neuran disease