HSS Apartheid timeline 1946-1980

  • Period: to


  • almost 75000 black miners went on strike for better pay and working conditions, it was however short-lived

  • The National Party was elected and Aparthied introduced

  • President D.F . Malan comes into power

  • the prohiitation of mixed marraiges act

  • The National Party passes the Population Registration Act

  • The group Areas act came into passing

  • The Bantu homelands act comes into passing

    Land reserved for balck africans became independent nations
  • The abolition of passes and co-ordanation of documents act

    Africans were required to carry identification
  • The ANC,SAIC and the AOP luanches defiance programme

  • The Bantu education Act

    Seperate education for blacks and whites
  • Under the Group Areas Act, Sophiatown was demolished

  • Woman protest against the use of passes

  • PAC was formed

  • Sharpville massacre took place , killing 69 people

    And on that day ANC and PAC are banned
  • South Africa becomes a repulic

  • Nelson Mandela imprisoned fter the revonia trial for high treason

  • Disrict six declared a white area

  • Hendrick verwoed assassinated

    While they were in parliament, a waiter stabbed him ( Demetri Tsafendas)
  • SASO forms, founded by Steve Biko

  • riots of 1976 take place,176 people killed, Hecto Peterson killed

  • Soweto march takes place and many protest

  • goverment says all black schools will teach Afrikaans

  • Steve Bikomurdered by the police