"All matter is made up from atoms" This was the birth of the study of atoms. He stated atoms cannot be divided to any smaller unit and therefore are invisible -
John Dalton
John Dalotn made the impacting discorvery of Atmoic Theory. I other words the nature of matter. -
Henri Becquerel
Henri discoverd Radioactivity. While studying the effect of x-rays on photographic film this was discoverd. -
J.J. Thompson
J.J. Thompson discored the electron and isotope. Also how th electron consist of negative charges. This was discoverded by studing the properties of cathrode rays. -
Marie & Pierre Curie
The Couple was well knwon for the discovery of Radium and Polonium. Both elements were discoverd by studying for a sample of pitchblende had at least one radioactive element. -
Robert Millikan
Robert is known for discorvering the charge of an electron. The "Oil drop Experiment" contstructed at the university of Chicago came to this discovery. -
Ernest Rutherford
Rutherford discoverd the Proton. His well known "Gold Foil experiement" Led to the Proton. The Rutherfordmodel was the basic model of an atoms structure. -
Neils Bohr
Bohr is the creator of Quantam theory. This stating motion in the atom is discrete or quantanized. -
James Chadwick
James discoverd an unknown partcle.This unknown partle is the Nucleus. He produced a series of Experiements at The University of Cambridge to come to his findings. -
Quantum Model
This Model was contributed by a range of scientist. It mainly consist of scientist. -
Aristotle created studies of how elements are based off of four, Air, Earth, Water, and Fire. this in which convered a basis for chemistry.