Αρχείο λήψης (2)

Refugees:''my solution to this long-term problem''

  • A big problem''refugee''

    A big problem''refugee''
    Nowadays there is a big problem with refugees from Syria who comes en masse to europe to save their lives from war.But for every problem there is a solution .We can follow tilos's model that is to integrate some refugees in proportion to our population for example in Kozani the population is about 60.000 ihabitans so we can integrate about 10.000 refugges.
  • ''The refugees are coming''

    ''The refugees are coming''
    At first when they arive we can welcome them warmly .We can donate clothes old toys for little children
    and food. Also in cooperation with NGO's we can provide medical care ,find facilities or houses to settle the refugees
  • ''At school''

    ''At school''
    at school we can organize greek and english lessons .Also we can create football or basketbal teams to contribute to the socialization of children.We can encourage our classmates to accept refugees and to help younger reugees with their studies, we can invite refugees clindren to birthday parties to feel happy and to forget the bad things
  • ''Adult refugees''

    ''Adult refugees''
    How we can interegrate refugees in daily life :we can provide them jobs at local restaurants-businesses, women can be emploed in house cleaning .Also we can create a local factory which will produce local products and souvenirs for tourists.With this way we will have the opportunity to emploed together many refugees and local people.At the end the .government can give some allowance until they can stand on their own two feet.
  • ''Benefits for our community''

    ''Benefits for our community''
    The presence of refugees will have injecteing money into the community because they will spend their money in local shops - business and will be an advertisement for our city and not only