People vol3

How we can help a group of refugees be integrated in our town..

  • The number of people that can be successfully integrated

    The number of people that can be successfully integrated
    First of all, the number of people that can successfully be integrated in our town must be in proportion to the population. For example in a small island like Tinos with 500 resident population, 70 people were integrated with a rate of 14%. In our town with population of 150.000 residents, which has more residents than a small island like Tinos, we can also integrate more people, for example 21.000 refugees with a rate of 14%.
  • Accommodation

    To solve the issue of refugees accommodation we can offer them any vacant, abandoned houses that various organizations will want to undertake the payment of the normal rent.
  • The kind of entrepreneurship that can be developed

    The kind of entrepreneurship that can be developed
    In the field of entrepreneurship we can invite them to help in farming which is the mainstay of the area's economy. Also, we can create employment opportunities for them. For instance women can be employed in house cleaning, as waitresses at the local restaurants or at the local women's cooperative. And men can be employed in farming or as craftsmen at local businesses.
  • The ways our school can help

    The ways our school can help
    As a school we can organize lessons in football, basketball,tennis and in many other sports so that the refugee's children can feel more included in the community and make new friends. Also, we can provide them with lessons in Greek to help them understand our language more easily and not have difficulties communicating with the rest of the residents. Important also is to encourage older students to help younger refugees school children with homework whenever they can afford the time.
  • The potential benefits for local community

    The potential benefits for local community
    Two are the most likely and most important benefits for the local community. First of all, our city will develop more economically as the refugees will work in local businesses and second the population of the local community will increase a lot.