Toothless how to train your dragon feature

How to Train Your Dragon

  • Jul 1, 1190

    Taking Down the NightFury

    Taking Down the NightFury
    Exposition 1- This is a part of the exposition because it is introducing more characters and setting up the main plot of the movie. We are learning why Hiccup wants to kill a dragon in this scene. In this Scene hiccup goes out and manages to shoot down a NightFury
  • Jul 1, 1190

    The Dragon Raid

    The Dragon Raid
    Exposition - This is a part of the exposition because it is introducing the characters and setting up the main plot of the movie. In this the Viewer learns that The dragons are the Antagonist and the people are the Protagonists. In this scene dragons are attacking the town, steeling their food, and burning buildings.
  • Jul 2, 1190

    Finding the NightFury

    Finding the NightFury
    Exposition 2- This is a part of the exposition because it is setting up the main plot and giving us details so the rest of the movie will make more sense. In this scene Hiccup goes out to kill the NightFury because no one believes him. By the end of this scene Hiccup ends up letting it free.
  • Jul 3, 1190

    The Fog

    The Fog
    Exposition 4- This is a part of the exposition because it is giving us little details that will be important for later on in the movie. In this scene Stoic the Vast the Chief of Berk decides the only way to stop the dragon raids is to kill the nest. So he and multiple other vikings head out to find the nest.
  • Jul 3, 1190

    How to Kill a Dragon

    How to Kill a Dragon
    Rising Action - This is Rising action because it is a part of the main plot yet it isn't the most important part. In this scene Hiccup is signed up for Dragon Killing Classes by his father, We'll just say his first day was't very pleasant.
  • Jul 4, 1190

    Visiting the NightFury

    Visiting the NightFury
    Rising Action 2- This is a part of the rising action because it is a part of the main plot yet it isn't the Climax. In this scene Hiccup goes to get a closer look of the NightFury. He ends up Sketching it. He sees the dragon trying to fly but it is unable to. Upon closer inspection he saw it only had one tail fin and not two.
  • Jul 5, 1190

    Friends with a Dragon

    Friends with a Dragon
    Rising Action 3- This is apart of the rising action because it is leading up to the climax of the story. In this scene Hiccup takes a fish to the dragon to see if he can make friends. The dragon ends up eating the fish and Hiccup sees it has retractable teeth. Later Hiccup discards his knife and extends his hand for the dragon to gain his trust.
  • Jul 10, 1190

    The Tail

    The Tail
    Rising action - This is still a part of the rising action because it is leading up to the climax of the story. in this scene hiccup spends countless days creating a tail for Toothless and coming up with a way to work it without him on the tail of the dragon.
  • Jul 15, 1190

    Becoming the best in class.

    Becoming the best in class.
    Rising Action 5- This is still a part of the rising action because it is leading up to the climax of the story. In this scene hiccup starts flying with Toothless. While flying he learns a lot of things such as their weak point and what dragon nip does.
  • Jul 16, 1190

    The Realization

    The Realization
    Climax - This is the Climax because it is the most suspenseful and problem filled area of the book. In this scene Hiccup makes friends with a Terrible Terror and realizes that Dragons are Misunderstood. In this scene the viewer realizes that the Dragons are the Protagonist not Antagonist and Humans are the Antagonist not Protagonist.
  • Jul 17, 1190

    The Return

    The Return
    Climax 2- This is part of the climax because it is the most suspenseful and problem filled area. Stoick and the others return without any sightings of the nest, once Stoick gets of the Boat he is bombarded with people telling him his son was amazing.
  • Jul 18, 1190

    The News

    The News
    Climax 3- This is part of the climax because it is the most suspenseful and problematic area in the movie. in this scene Gothi decides that Hiccup will be killing a Dragon in front of the village to claim his Viking Hood.
  • Jul 18, 1190

    The Nest

    The Nest
    Climax 4- This is a part of the climax because it is the most Suspenseful and problematic area in the movie. In this scene Astrid follows Hiccup to Toothless. After Hiccup gets her to trust Toothless they go for a Flight. During the Flight Toothless starts acting really weird and changes directions. They enter the Nest and see dragons dropping Berk's food into a pit and if the big dragon isn't satisfied it eats them.
  • Jul 19, 1190

    More Dragon Riders

    More Dragon Riders
    Falling Action - This is part of the falling action because it is after the climax but is still suspenseful. In this scene Hiccup comes up with the idea that he will get his friends to train dragons so they can defeat the big dragon.
  • Jul 19, 1190


    Falling action 4- This is still a part of the falling action because it is after the climax but still suspenseful. In this scene Hiccup lands on the burning boat and tries to release Toothless. The boat breaks in half causing them to fall in the water. Hiccup runs out of air and is rescued by his father. Stoick then jumps back in and saves Toothless.
  • Jul 19, 1190

    The Riders

    The Riders
    Falling Action 3- This is a part of the falling action because it is after the Climax but it still is suspenseful. In this scene Hiccup and his friends fly in to see the Red Death climing out of the mountain and the boats on fire.
  • Jul 19, 1190

    The Big Day

    The Big Day
    Climax 5- This is a part of the climax because it is the most suspenseful and problematic area in the movie. In this scene hiccup is trying to tame the dragon instead of killing it. Stoick not knowing what he is doing calls for them to stop the match. The dragon gets spooked and starts attacking Hiccup. Toothless hears this and after many tries he manages to find Hiccup. Toothless then goes in and starts fighting the Monstrous Nightmare.
  • Jul 19, 1190

    To the nest

    To the nest
    Climax 6- this is a part of the Climax because it is the most Suspenseful and Problematic part in the Movie. During this scene Stoick captures Toothless. Hiccup in his rush to free his dragon says that He found the Nest and that it is dangerous an the only way there is with a dragon. So Stoick loads Toothless on a boat and sets off for the nest, using Toothless as a guide.
  • Jul 19, 1190

    The Mountain

    The Mountain
    Falling Action 2- This is part of the Falling action because it is after the climax but it is still suspenseful. In this scene after Stoick Blows up the mountain and the dragons are released. Shortly after they are released the red death comes out of the mountain
  • Jul 19, 1190

    Final Battle

    Final Battle
    Falling Action 5- This is still a part of the falling action because it is suspenseful and is tying up all the loose ends in the movie. In this scene Hiccup gets on Toothless and starts attacking the Red Death. They then fly upwards into the clouds so it can't see them. After they defeat it Toothless's tail gets caught in flames causing the both of the to fall towards the ground.
  • Jul 20, 1190

    He's Alive!

    He's Alive!
    Falling action 6- This is a part of the falling action because it is after the climax but is still suspenseful. In this scene Stoick sees Toothless but nobody on his saddle so he fears the worst. Toothless then wakes up and sees Stoick sad. He then lifts up his wings and reveals a perfectly intact... Well almost except for his foot Hiccup.
  • Jul 25, 1190

    He's Awake!

    He's Awake!
    Resolution- This is a part of the resolution because all the problems are solved and it is the end of the movie. In this scene hiccup wakes up with toothless in his house. When he gets out of bed he sees he know has a peg leg instead of his foot. As he makes his was outside he sees dragons and Vikings living in Harmony. His father explains that Dragons aren't bad and he is sorry for not believing his son.