Setting aside time to think about exactly the five questions of what your goal consists of. What is your goal? Why do you want to attain it? When is the end date for the goal? How will you ensure to get there? And finally, what strategies you'll be using to check in and see if you are moving along on track. -
Half way mark
Reflect upon those five questions? Are you still on track? What's working and what is not? Do you need help? Adjusting goals? Write down what is working and what is not working on a piece of paper and try to figure out how to get to that end goal. -
End-goal date
Reflect now upon if you got to the goal you wanted initially or did it change as you worked through your project? Did you make any adjustments that worked? Did you maintain the 5 questions at the beginning of the timeline? How are you feeling after this? Take a moment to write down exactly what went right an what went wrong.