Ball Control
After you have established a balanced center of gravity you want to show the ball to your opponent while still having great control over the ball. -
The Gather
You want to be sure that you gather your feet with a balanced center of gravity -
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Good Ol Days
As you take off, you want to be sure to move toward the basket. Body lean and bodt control are of equal importance. -
Ball Placement at Takeoff
It is very important to keep the ball away from your opponent as you begin to rise to the occasion, notice how the ball is beginning to be pulled away from the opponent. -
Control Through Contact
Watch Vince Carter Maintain focus and Control over Alonzo Mourning
It is important that you maintain your focus through contact. If the poster is worth talking about, they're will probably be contact -
The Descend
Notice how Carmello Anthony came forward with the ball too soon, the result is a blocked dunk attempt.
As you begin to descend it is important that you begin to bring the ball forward at the right time, I wait until the defenders arms come forward before I begin to bring the ball towards the rim. Remember to be patient, you have all the time in the world within about one second! -
Maintaing Focus
As the defender begins to descend, it's important that you maintain control and focus. It is simple to lose focuse as your opponent begins to leave your eye level. You still must maintain ball control as well as keeping your eyes on the basket. -
The Beggining of the End
If you're followed my steps up until now, you are now about to finish the poster in a fantastic way. Now it's time to bring the ball toward the rim with authority. Losing that aggressive edge now could result in the downfall of your poster. -
The Pose
Sometimes it's ok to have fun with your opponent. At this moment I know that I have him, so I extend a little extra for the camera. This is something beginners shouldn't try! -
The Aggressive but Controlled End
Notice how the defender attempted to push the dunker away from the basket. The dunker maintains his aggressiveness as well as his ccontrol in order to finish through the contact. -
Safe Landing
It is important that after you have completed the dunk you land safely. You have to know when hang on the rim and when to just flush and get out of there. If your opponent falls then you should probably hang on the rim to prevent harm to both of you. -
Landing in control
It is important that you land with proper balance, similar to the takeoff. Landing off balance could result in an injury -
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