For those of you who don't know,DayZ is an extremely challenging and realistic zombie survival game. It is not like other zombie games where you have lots of health and big guns and lots of ammo. You must scavenge for anything you want,or need for that matter. Your needs in DayZ are those we deal with on a daily basis. Food,water,warmth,and shelter. You will learn quiclky that nothing comes easily. -
Step 1: Select Server
In order for you to play the game,you will need to select a server. Server choice is critical,as some have more players than others,or more dangers than others. Some servers are noob friendly,while others are the exact opposite. So it is important to look around and find which server works best for you. -
Step 2: Die
Once you select a server,you can beginning dying! This step is not optional,as I'd know from personal experience. You may think everything is ok because you have a can of Coke and a shotgun, until you get blasted by a sniper in a tree from a mile and a half away. You wil question whether this game is worth the trouble,but you'll persevere. -
Step 3: Run (Then Die)
You will respawn,or maybe even switch servers with a new-found confidence and knowledge. 'I know what I'm doing now!' You'll think foolishly 'I won't be killed again!'. So you avoid the players and major cities,just to fall off a rooftop,break a leg,and pass out. Then you are greeted with the pleasent sight of zombies enjoying their fleshy (and still living) buffet. -
Step 4: Find Gear
At this point in your survival experience,you will be much more wary of the situatons you face. You will be silent and invisible,alerting nothing to your presence. You'll build up your supplies and become pretty well set up. If you're lucky,you might even stumble upon a working car. -
Step 5: Die
At this point,you'll think you're pretty well set. Medical supplies,guns,and a vehicle. But then someone sees you driving around town like an idiot and shoots out your tires. Your only option is to get out,then be promptly killed by a bandit who will take all your hard earned gear then feed your body to the zombles. -
Step 6: Strategize
After your multiple failures and deaths,it's time to start again. You strategize to actually survive this time. Planning is crucial. Now that you've moved on from the intial joy to the unavoidable raging,you're ready to move on. -
Step 7: Run and Gun
Now's the time to really play it smart. You won't go near anyone and travel away from main roads. You may even meet up with a couple of friends and prosper. But nothing lasts forever... -
Step 8: Die
So now you have weapons. You have knowledge. Everything you need to surivive with confidence. Then you come across a fresh spawn,and decide you'll treat them fairly,knowing how hard it is. Then he shoots you in the face and steals your gear. -
Step 9: RAGE
You got murdered by a fresh spawn. Now you wilbe angry and spend a good 3 hours crying and being angry. You might throw your computer and break something. But it's all part of the game! So don't fret,it's all in good fun. -
Step 10: Repeat
You will most likely go through this cycle many times,but it's worth it. One day you will be on top,a true DayZ hero.