How the Civil War got started in 1860.

  • The 3/5 Compromise

    The 3/5 Compromise
    In 1787, conflict with slaves counted as three-fifths of a person and the slave owners called that the three fifth compromise.
  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    The Missouri compromise allowed Missouri to be free.
  • The 1850 compromise

    The 1850 compromise
    The 1850 compromise allowed Utha and New Mexico to vote if slaves would be allowed in that state.
  • 1854 ,Slavery

    1854 ,Slavery
    In 1854, slavery was a big issue at this time and the Kansas and Nebraska act was going on.
  • 1859,John Brown

    1859,John Brown
    In 1859 John Brown was a person against slavery.
  • 1860, Abraham Lincoln became president

    1860, Abraham Lincoln became president
    In 1860 , on November 6 1860 Abrahm Lincoln was elected President.
  • 1861

    In 1861 , 7 states chose there president.
  • Civil War in 1861-1865

    Civil War in 1861-1865
    The started in 1861and ended in 1865
  • Period: to

    Events leading up to the Civil War.

    Several events happened to cause the Civil War,in 1861.Lee s
    surended to Grant at Appomattox, the war ended.