PCK (TPACK) Founded by Lee Shulman 1986
Lee Shulman first developed the ideas of TPACK in 1986. He more specifically developed the pedegogical section, which later led to the full development of TPACK. TPACK stands for Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge. -
Getting America's Students Ready for the 21st Century
This is a challenge developed by President Clinton. It included four main goals to get our nations schools, teachers, and students ready to be productive with technology. -
Creation of Education Technology Council
The ETC was created in 1998 as a way to better the plan for the state of Indiana. It further developed Indiana's k-12 TEchnoogy plan. -
Indiana's K-12 Plan for Technology
Indiana developed a technology plan in 1998 with a focus on using technology to help teachers teach better. This plan included seven key strategies that were key to implementing technology into schools. -
National Education Technology Goals
Goals After not a lot of improvment from the 1996 Technology plan, the Government decided to refocus schools by provinding them with a new set of goals to achieve. These goals called for teahers using the technology, students having technology skills, and more. -
Electronic White Boards
Electronic White Boards
Electronic Smartboards changed they way teachers teach and creatively engage students. With all that siad many think that they are becomeing an outdated technology and moving to Ipads. -
Indiana Plan for DIgital Age Learning
This up to date plan secures thechnology for the use and benefit of the students. It include three main goals that strieve for students success in a high-tech society. -
Burris/Ball State Technology Plan
Plan This plan outlines how Ball State and Burris will work together to better equip their students, teachers, and student teahers to better use technology in the classroom. Burris has implemented this by providing an Ipad to every student. -
Ipads First Created
Ipads Growing Numbers
Ipads were first developed in 2010. Since this day they have been inclded in many schools as a dominaitnig form of technology. Many schools include this as their 1:1 inititiave. -
2011-2012 Money Towards Technology
Money Spending
A lot of money has been given to schools in Indiana to bring in technology or help technology usage in schools. This is a list of how much money wsa given out total, how much each school recieved, and what each school spent the money on.