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How Our Country Has Evolved From Slavery

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    In 1835, there were many imprisoned slaves that were trying to escape. There were multiple riots against slavery. Some slaves began to fight with Native Americans against white people. North and South Carolina asked other states to become Anti-Slave states, which didn't really have any effect.
  • 1835

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    In 1836, Texas got independence from Mexico and Free African Americans weren't allowed to enter Texas. The U.S. House adopted the "Gag Rule"
    Gag Rule - prevents discussion of petitions
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    In 1837, New York held the first ever, National Anti-Slavery Convention of American women. Both African American And American women attended the event.
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    In 1838, the second Anti-Slavery Convention of American Women took place in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. There was also a lot of riots this year to.
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    In 1839, slaves went to the coast of Long Island to beg the court for freedom.Liberty Party, a political group, held their first ever National Convention in the name of abolition.
  • 1839

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    In 1840, the Anti-Slavery society divided over the topic of Women's Rights. You can't trade any items with slaves in texas, it's forbidden. Texas also forbid slaves from carrying weapons without permission. The "Black Code" was created in South Carolina, to take away almost all rights of african americans.
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    In 1841, Texas Said that ALL white men must turn in lose slaves. Congress declared that some Slaves were free and others weren't.
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    In 1842, the Georgia Legislature said that free blacks would never be seen as people to them. Prigg V.S. Pennsylvania, was a case that happened when Margret Morgan, ran away. Prigg entered Pennsylvania, and went to court to try to get Margret back. Prigg didn't provide enough information. He took things into his own hands and "kidnapped" Margret back. He was later convicted of kidnapping. However the acquisition was overturned.
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    In 1843, more and more states were passing Personal Liberty Laws. They did this because of what happened with Prigg V.S. Pennsylvania.
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    In 1844, Oregon put a stop to slavery in their state. North Carolina on the other hand, they denied citizenship to free blacks.
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    In 1845, The state of Texas entered the union as a slave state, meaning they could own slaves. Texas found a way to track slaves and keep them on the plantations without them running away.
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    In these years a lot of major things happened. Connecticut doesn't allow slavery in their state anymore. Rhode Island and Pennsylvania pass personal liberty laws. South Carolina and Kentucky took away the law that said that slaves could only be traded in the state their from, now slaves can be bought, or traded over the country. Some slaves go to Mexico and it encourages other slaves to start trying to run away. California entered the union as a free state. There was another Fugitive Slave Law.
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    There was a women rights convention, where Sojourner Truth gave her speech called "I Ain't a Woman". It was a very inspirational speech. It inspired a lot of women. John Brown was hung for treason.
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    Congress passed an amendment, which abolished slavery, it was the Thirteenth Amendment. All slaves are now free by the power of congress in 1865. At the, 1867, annual St. Patrick's Day Parade, there was a lot of violent fights between free African Americans and whites.
  • 1965

  • 1850
