Jul 6, 1257
The start of the Monarchy
Our little state of Skellige was in a desperate need of a leader or king of such. And so one day a man came and colonized everything and set our state straight. -
Aug 8, 1265
First trial of Monarchy
So many citizens agreed and disagreed with the Governments choice of governing and how they did things so some citizens of younger generations would riot and protest, but with the help of the original council and original elder family they had no say against our monarchy so they were imprisoned and left with a bad reputation to speak upon Skellige's government. -
Jun 6, 1280
The First War
With the death of our first ruler which was a king had died because a state of the name of Novigrad decided to send spies and kill our king to end the Monarchy. So we declared war on Novigrad, Skellige's first war and our army was ready we battled for two years when Novigrad finally deployed a white flag of surrender. Skellige eventually took over Novigrad and made it a Monarchy, later on a new ruler with the Name of Brandon Velazquez ruled. -
Nov 25, 1285
The Uprising of Skellige
An eastern state with the name of Oxenfurt decided to revolt against our fine Government so they decided to kidnap the wife of Brandon Velazquez and murder some of the council of the high tables so they would stop Monarchy and rule as a regular government. So the King decided to stop the madness and act as a surrender to give up our kingdom and government and do Oxenfurt felt for it soon Skellige's troops surrounded their whole kingdom and murdered their rulers and took over Oxenfurt. -
Dec 25, 1300
Skellige is Finally in peace
With many upsets and a few Wars and complications Skellige is finally at peace and no citizens or other states have had any issues with our government and many other states have actually had an influence on us. But our government came to be because our State was in big upset and was almost gonna die down if someone didn't step up and put our poor town into place which did happen but with many complications people tried to stop us in our tracks but didn't happen.