the first device capable of recording sound signals was Léon Scott de Martinville 1857 invention called the “phonautograph.”
Berliner’s gramophone became especially marketable through the invention of the spring motor record player, as first used by Eldridge Johnson in a hand-cranked motorized gramophone for Berlin in 1896.
By the 1920s, innovation in electrical recording and amplification systems combined with the advent of magnetic recording to help drive the recording industry for the next two centuries.
In the 1940s, Columbia introduced the 33-1/3 RPM long-playing record (LP) at about the same time the Decca Record Company helped usher in the era of high fidelity with full frequency range recordings.
Sony developed the first digital audio recording devices to be used by professional studios in 1978
File sharing is extremely controversial, and it led to the restructuring of such notorious Internet file-sharing organizations as Napster, which was launched in 1999 and enjoyed immense success before being shut down for copyright infringement
… [made by] measuring] the waveform at many regular intervals (called ‘sampling’), and then storing] these measurements as numbers” (Hart-Davis and Holmes 2001).
By exploiting the limitations of human hearing, MP3 is example of a “lossy” method of compression: MP3 removes information, whether outside of the range of human hearing or by recognizing repeating patterns and eliminating the excess..
In 2007, Apple entered the cellular phone market with the iPhone, integrating all the features of the iPod with the modern cell phone, including a full range of multimedia applications, Internet browsing, and touch-screen technology