How internet came to Honduras

  • Dozen of companies began offer internet

    Dozens of companies began to offer Internet service since the early 1990s, mainly through the telephone modem, with speeds of 56 kbit / s and up, at a cost of US $ 25 per month of connection, while the minutes of Use of the telephone was paid to Hondutel as a local call. At the end of the 1990s, the service expanded and became cheaper, lending itself to many means of communication, through fixed telephony, mobile telephony, cable or satellite services in Honduras for more than a decade.
  • Inicia Enlace a Internet

    Aprincipios de los 90 Honduras inicia el enlace a Internet.
  • Undersea cables

    Since 1993, Honduras has counted on the use of several submarine cables to provide a greater bandwidth to its population, among them are: Columbus II
    Americas I
    . Then Honduras was connected through the following cables: The Honduras-Japan cable TPC-5 ,
    The Mexico-Honduras-Panama Maya 1 2 cable that has a bandwidth of 82.5 Gbit / s.
    The ARCOS-1 cable was installed in 2001 and has a bandwidth of 960 Gbit / s. It has connections in Puerto Cortés , Trujillo and Tulum.
  • Mayor Ancho de Banda

    Para Poder Brindarle un mejor ancho de banda a la poblacion hondureña, Honduras cuenta con varios cables submarinos y posteriormente se conectó a varios sistemas de cables de distintos ancho de banda.
  • Honduras Conectada

    Honduras ha quedado conectada a la red de internet mediante un enlace satelital a Homestead, Florida. La cual se nombra como la primera fase de la rednacional de Honduras, Hondunet.
  • Hondutel

    Brinda servicio de internet mediante moden telefonico para conectarse a internet Se digitaba un número de teléfono en la computadora y este realizaba una llamada. Lo cual no permitía utilizar el mismonúmero de teléfono para llamar, mientras la línea estuviera ocupada por la computadora. El costo salía reflejado en la factura de Hondutel, como una llamada local. La velocidad inicial eraalrededor de 56kbps.
  • Hondutel Cambia Infraestructura

    Hondutel decide cambiar la infraestructura análoga por digitales, lo que le llega restables una red regional Centroamericana.
  • Cibercafe

    Los cibercafe nacen no tenia acceso a comprar una computadora que en aquellos entonces no era tan factible
  • Internet Por Cable

    las empresas de television por cable que existen en Honduras brindan a la poblacion servicio a internet mediante cable coaxial por el cual ellos transmiten el servicio del cable
  • Radio Por Internet

    Algunas de las emisoras transmiten señal mediante via internet
  • Internet Movil

    Esto lo brindaron las empresas que nos brindan el servicio de comunicacion como ser claro y tigo, cuando se vio que un celular tenia una aplicacion de mensajeria instantanea gratuita con tan solo tener internet
  • Internet "Browsing" in the Workplace

    Increased usage of online social networks forces companies to regulate Internet access by their employees. On the other side, an adequate use of social networks can be beneficial for companies, specially in the marketing department.
  • WIFI

    Ya no solo se puede transmitir internet mediante cables sino mediante un router que puede transmitir ondas sonoras para el flujo de información
  • Broadband

    The bandwidth provided in Honduras is around 1 MB / s for US $ 25. compared to other more developed countries, such as Japan where 1 Gbit / s costs less than 50 US $, South Korea where the average speed is 50 Mbit / s (each Mbit / s costs 45 US $ cents per month) or Chile where 1 Mbit / s costs $ 40 per month. 3 The average speed is 1 Mbit / s (125 kB / s) for a cost of 48 US $, usually in packages (all included) that include: Cable for one or more televisions, telephony, etc.
  • Honduran Airports Will Have Free Internet

    Through a partnership between Digicel and Aeropuertos de Honduras, the four airports will have free internet service. The agreement also includes installation of recharging cell phone towers.
  • Central American Fiber Optic Network ,

    Along with the Central American Electrical transmission lines also being installed are thirty-six fiber optic cables, adding internet connectivity via underground lines. The new network will allow prices to drop because of increased competition, said Orlando Martinez, director of the company that owns the network (EPR).
  • How Quickly Do We "Travel" on the Internet?

    In Panama it is up to 5.12 Mbps, in Nicaragua 3.53, in Honduras 3.43, Guatemala 3.32, in El Salvador 3.10, and in Costa Rica up to 2.81 Mbps. The data has been provided by, which based on download speed controls made by million of users, maintains a ranking of 188 countries according to the average download speeds in Mbps over the past 30 days where the average distance between the client and the server is less than 300 miles.
  • Why Businesses Need Broadband

    According to the Inter-American Development Bank, broadband access increases company productivity and allows access to more and better information helping decisions to be made efficiently and at less cost. From a statement issued by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)
  • Without Quality Internet There is No Telecommuting

    Just as having good physical roads is vital for production and commerce, the "information highway" must work perfectly if you want to take advantage of the benefits of remote working. Costa Rica, which has serious problems in its road infrastructure, also has problems with the "information highway", according to the opinion of executives at companies that do teleworking.
  • Internet Use Growing in Honduras

    The number of subscribers to the mobile and fixed Internet services increased from 2.5 million to 2.6 million between December 2016 and September 2017. According to figures from the National Telecommunications Commission (Conatel), in the third quarter of last year "... The number of subscribers of fixed internet services reached a total of 245,924