How I Came To Be Project

By kam1903
  • My Parents (People)

    They are always caring for me, and always loving me. If they were not here, I would also not be here.
  • Birth (Event)

    I was born on March 12, 2005. This event is important in my life because it is when I started existing!
  • Middle Sister (People)

    My sister loves to rock climb, and also enjoys Minecraft with me. I love her, and do my best to protect her.
  • Youngest Sister (People)

    My youngest sister is the smallest in the family, but her personality is the biggest. She loves to eat and play.
  • Homeschool (Event)

    I started homeschooling in 2011, when I was in Grade 1. My parents chose to homeschool while we were still living in Canada.
  • Move To Hong Kong (Event)

    My parents decided to move to Hong Kong for about 2 years for some business work. However, they decided to stay permanently!
  • CAIS (Event)

    This was the first school that I went to in Hong Kong. I started in Grade 2, and met many new people.
  • Purchase of Minecraft (Event)

    Minecraft has been a big part of my life. Even though it fell out of popularity about 2 years after I bought it, I still play Minecraft now.
  • Started Climbing (Event)

    We started climbing when our friend invited us to a climbing group. Since then, we have started climbing much more, and our entire family climbs.
  • Pastor Doug (People)

    Pastor Doug is the youth pastor at our church, and I have grown close with him during youth group and Sunday church.
  • Climbing Coach (People)

    When we started climbing, we climbed with an older coach. Even though she was grumpy sometimes, she taught us very well and we learned a lot from her.
  • Hernan (People)

    I met Hernan during the first day of class, in Grade 6. We became fast friends and we would play Minecraft together.
  • Ms. Yap (Person)

    Ms. Yap was my 6th grade teacher, and 6th grade was one of my favorite years at CAIS. I have many fond memories, such as almost burning the school down, and meeting Andy.
  • Andy (People)

    I met Andy in Grade 7, when I was no longer in Hernan's class. This caused me to find new friends, as it was much harder to see Hernan. We would do homework together.
  • Second Homeschooling (Event)

    My parents decided to homeschool me after we left CAIS, and I homeschooled for about a year.
  • ICS (Event)

    My siblings and I enrolled in ICS after my mother got a job as a teacher here. The community within ICS has been very welcoming!
  • Recieving my Level 2 (Event)

    I did a rock climbing course, and passed. This meant that I could go out and use a public climbing wall without a coach's supervision.
  • Started Editing for Church (Event)

    I started editing the sermon and the worship for the church service. This gave me some editing experience, and I found it quite interesting!
  • Discord Community (People)

    I am part of a Discord community that plays Minecraft together, and they have been very welcoming, and helping me with large builds, and giving me feedback.