How has business changed through technology over the past 100 years

  • Resources

    Since resources was very limited back in the 1900s they had to create things to keep the money flowing. Resources like silk, oil and much more.
  • Money

    In 1900s more than 250,000 children under the age of fifteen worked in factories for minimal pay. Average union wages in 1900 were thirty-four cents per hour. Now money is no issue (
  • Identifying New Trends

    Identifying New Trends
    Companies was seeking to emerge from the crisis in a stronger position must develop a systematic understanding of changing habits. New process had to go into place while trying to find ways to better schedules.
  • Time and Managment

    Time and Managment
    The Centennials start by stabilizing their core, to safeguard what they stand for and stay on track. Usually Most organizations change their leaders every five years.
  • Impact on Operating Costs

    Impact on Operating Costs
    Basic enterprise software enables a firm to automate back office functions, such as record keeping, accounting and payroll. For example, field reps can use mobile apps to record their daily expenses as they incur them.
  • How workers have develop in mordern times

    How workers have develop in mordern times
    For governments, indentifying where value is created in the digital econom and capturing some of those good corporate gains. The changing nature of firms have coincides with a shift in the demand for skills among workers.
  • Leaders

    A lot has changed and the only way one can hope to succeed as a leader these days is by knowing and embracing all of the challenges. Autocratic leadership was popular among leaders. Many workplaces and managers had the ultimate power of making decisions based on their personal views and experience.
  • Meetings and Offices

    Meetings and Offices
    Corner offices were meant to convey and help the hierarchical prestige and status. To improve employee's lives they had ultimately became a symbol of corporate drudgery.
  • Technology/ Digital

    Technology/ Digital
    Technology has envolved into the landscape of business, from the ways in which companies attract customers. Cash flow is vital in business and if the payment is slow that can massively impact the growth of a company.
  • The Pandemic effect

    The Pandemic effect
    The initial outbreak of the COVID-19 cost a record 3.28 million Americans filed for unemployment benefits in the week ending March 21. Even when the short term effects and the long-term economic impact will ripple for years.