Refugees 2

How we can help a group of refugees be intergrated in our town

  • The number of refugees that can be succesfully intergrated in our town

    The number of refugees that can be succesfully intergrated in our town
    According to an article published in 'telegraph', an e-news newspaper,Tilos, a small island in a corner of Aegean, can support 12 refugee families,which is around 70 people in total. The residents of the island are half a thousand. Although the number of resindents is small, the island successfully intergrated a big number of refugee families. We can do the same thing in Kozani. Our population is around 45,000 people, meaning we can intergrate in our town a total of 6,300 refugees.
  • The kind of entrepreneurship that can be developed

    The kind of entrepreneurship that can be developed
    The refugees have their own native language. While they are staying in our town, they can teach their language to people who are interested in learning. They also have their own cuisine. They can learn us how to cook their tradiotional plates and some of them can be added to some taverns' menus. They also have their own, special music which can entertain us. In general, they can teach us their civilization, their way of thinking. It's like a cultural trade. We gain from them and so do they.
  • The ways our school can help

    The ways our school can help
    The school has a major influence in our lives. So, it could be used to make the intergration of the refugees easier. Firstly, the teachers can schedule some speeches that refer to the refugees and why they should be welcomed in our town. They should teach us how to behave towards them and that we are all the same, no matter what. The school can also organize Ξ± fundraiser for the refugees. We could raise money and collect food until they can stand on their own.
  • The benefits for the local community

    The benefits for the local community
    The local community can earn a lot of things by intergrating a group of refugees in it. It could benefit our civilization. We can enrich our knowledge on another country. We can learn their way of life, their values and their traditions. We can study their language and listen to their music. The refugees can also help in our factories or construction workings. They can provide the manpower. This is going to be very useful since there are some lacks of hands. So, their help will be significant.