How can the Reformation and the Age of Discovery be seen as extensions of the Renaissance?

  • 1483

    Martin Luther

    Martin Luther
    Martin Luther was a christian man who often struggled with his spiritual identity. He was known for questioning the Indulgences started by the Catholic church. He believed they provided a false sense of hope and that the Pope was using them for his personal gain, instead for the needs of others. Luther was kicked out of the church for this, which kick started many protests.
  • 1492

    Christopher Columbus

    Christopher Columbus
    Christopher Columbus helped to start the Age of Discovery. He discovered the Americas by accident when on a voyage. When he arrived he was met with Native Americans. The Americas had good crops and soil, this helped to start better trade between the two. The Age of Discovery was a branch off of the Renaissance as the Renaissance helped to give them the idea for the voyage in the first place. It provided them with the want of riches and religious fervor played a part.
  • 1492

    Columbian Exchange

    Columbian Exchange
    The Columbian exchange was when food, people, and diseases were crossing the hemispheres. Columbus initiated this with his discovery of the Americas. Disease killed many of the Natives living in America. The Columbian Exchange is part of the Age of Discovery.
  • 1500


    Indulgences were things offered by the church that would provide the same spiritual influence that confession or penance would. These became very popular as they were fast and helped to assure eternal life in heaven. Martin Luther Heavily criticized these to the point that he was forced to leave the church.
  • 1519

    The Conquistadors

    The Conquistadors
    The Spanish conquistadors were sent to claim land and to convert those who they came across. The conquistadors were taking control of Mesoamerica and taking it under Spanish control. The conquistadors dominated during the Age of Discovery. The Renaissance led to the Age of Discovery which then in turn gave power to the conquistadors.
  • 1520


    Protestantism was a split in the Catholic church. It was a new type of religion that went against the Catholic beliefs. Martin Luther impacted this greatly, as he pointed out the mistakes and faults of the Catholic church. Protestantism was a movement during the renaissance age. The renaissance gave people motivation to change and do different.
  • 1534

    The English Reformation

    The English Reformation
    Henry VIII influenced the reformation greatly. Henry wanted to divorce his wife as she had not borne a son, but the pope wouldn't allow it. He divorced her anyways and married another woman in hopes of a boy. When she did not provide him with a boy he had her beheaded. The Reformation ended with England and Scotland divided because of religion.
  • 1536


    Calvinism was a branch off of Protestantism but had some different views. Calvinism did not believe in free will, but thought that everyone was predestined at birth on whether they will go to heaven or not. In order to be a chosen one, Calvinism believed that if you lived according to the bible closely, you can be chosen. The translation of the bible helped to expand this idea.
  • 1545

    New World Wealth

    New World Wealth
    Large amounts of silver were found in the Americas transforming the Spanish crown. This helped to give power to the Spanish crown. The Spaniards used vast amounts of slave labor at the mining sites killing off many people of lower classes. The discovery of the Americas increased trade rates. Trade not only brought over physical things but intellectual things as well. Many of the ideas of the Renaissance were brought to the Americas, just as many ideas of the Americas were brought to Europe.
  • Translation of the Bible

    Translation of the Bible
    The bible being translated made it much more understandable. Many people at this time wanted to follow the bible to a 'T', and this translation helped them to do that. During the renaissance, religion started to shrink because of the Popes actions. This translation helped to get people back into religion.