2000 BCE
Adobe Homes
2000 BC -Smooth textured exterior
-Symmetrical -
Mar 3, 1500
English Salt-bo
15th century
Large windows -
Swedish Log cabin
16th century
All logs- Not many windows -
French provincial
16th century
Symmetrical- many windows -
English Garrison
17th Century
Lots of windows-square shaped -
Spanish stucco
17th century
Scratchy exterior-Square shaped -
German Style
17th century
Dark outlines-Square shaped -
English half timber
17th Century
Dark outlines-Light exterior -
17th century
Square shaped-symmetrical -
French Normandy
17th century
Arched door openings-pitched roofs -
17th century
Tall-Narrow roofs -
Tidewater south
18th century
Larges porches-Lots of windows -
French Manor
18th century
Windows-arched tops -
Gothic revival
18th century
Castle addon-Pointed roofs -
18th century
Symmetrical-Windows -
Sothern Colonial
18th century
Columns- many windows -
18th century
Pointed roofs- Symmetrical -
18th century
Small-Small porches -
Greek revival
18th century
Columns- Even amount of windows -
Dutch colonial
19th century
Square shaped- Symmetrical -
19th century
Dark colored- Not many windows -
English Cape cod
19th century
Symmetrical- Small upstairs windows -
Prairie Style
19th century
1 story- many windows -
International style
20th century
Lots of large windows-Symmetrical -
Split level
20th century
Large windows-Large driveway -
Ranch style
20th century
1 story- large porch -
20th century
Castle addon-Arched entrances -
Early classic revival
20th century
Columns-Symmetrical -
21st century
Usually flat roofs-Large windows -
Earth sheltered
21st century
Grass covered- No windows