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Houses and palaces over the centuries

  • Mar 19, 1066

    The Middle Ages

    The Middle Ages
    The Normans were the first to build castles for Lords in Britain, with thick walls and small windows. Later they evolved, the smallest castles became manor houses and the largest became palaces.
  • Mar 19, 1485

    The Tudor Style

    The Tudor Style
    The lords, during the Renaissance lived in lourge country mansions with large windows, stylish chimneys and big gardens. In the gardens were statues and beautiful fountains.Glass, brick and chimneys, in the Tudor period became a status symbols
  • The Stuarts and the English Renaissance

    The Stuarts and the English Renaissance
    Inigo Jones was the first English Renaissance architect. He changed the British style with italian and Roman influences.
    The Baroque movement was born in this period, it was a movement that use curved shapes,strong lines and rich colours.
  • The Georgian Style

    The Georgian Style
    Andrea Palladio influenced the Georgian style in the 18th in Britain. The Georgian houses were too elegant but often they had a square symmetrical shape, with a portico in the middle.The terraces were the tipical buildings utilized on this period.
  • The Victorian Age

    The Victorian Age
    When queen Victoria ruled britain revived the Gothic style, The tipical houses of this period were characterized by reddish brick walls, white windows cornices and sash windows. Poor people lived in a back-to-back terraces, but the middle classes lived in superior terraces.William Morris, in the second part of the 19th century created the Arts and Crafts Movement.