Household Management- Brooke Gladish

  • 1950's

    -Electricity: Used in 80 percent of homes. -Lighting: Electricity most common; kerosene still used in some rural areas.
    • Kitchen: Sink with hot and cold water, stove, refrigerator, washing machine and maybe a washer and dryer .
    -Bathroom: Sink, toilet, bathtub and shower. 1951-
    Power steering invented by Francis W. Davis. 1958-
    The computer modem invented.
  • Early 21st Century

    Electricity: Can be found in most homes.
    (Important because it allows people to see easier at night and allows people to do tasks quickly and more efficient) Lighting: Electricity is now most common.
    (Light bulbs come in different forms now. Used almost everywhere. indoors and outdoors) Kitchen/ Laundry: Sinks, stove, dishwasher, microwave oven, refrigerator, washer and dryer. Bathrooms:Toilets, sinks, baths and showers. 2001- Self-cleaning windows invented by PPG Industries
  • Period: to


    Electricity: New to homes. Only the rich had electricity in their homes. Mostly used for lighting. Lighting: Kerosene, gas, candles and some electrify. Bathrooms: The rich might have indoor plumbing. Kitchen: Sink, stoves, wash tops and possibly an icebox. 1901-Hubert Booth invents a compact and modern vacuum cleaner. 1917- Gideon Sundback patented the modern zipper (not the first zipper) 1904- Benjamin Holt invents a tractor.