
  • refregirator

    1 Jan 1820 Michael Faraday a londer liquefied a mmonia to cause cooling.
  • vacuum cleaner prodotype called aspirator invented by Ives Mcgaffy

    vacuum cleaner prodotype called aspirator invented by Ives Mcgaffy
    prodotype called aspirator invented by Ives Mcgaffy
  • microwave

    by ancient they discoveredthat microwave oven cooks food in 1946 Dr Pency discovered something unusual he as next to a microwave and his choclate bar that was in his pocket melted.
  • William Hoover

    William Hoover
    Willam Hoover manufactunig machines.hoover is still on of the markers of vacuum cleaner in the world
  • the newest vacuum cleaner in the world

    the newest vacuum cleaner in the world
    now a days there are really good vacuum cleaners in the world