Ideas element: This would take months to years to generate an idea of the type and amount of characters, the plot, equipment needed as well as where the storyline will take place, etc. -
Ideas process
The process of the idea for a TV show would be someone or a group of people who come up with a general idea of a show. They work together over a few months or more to determine details such as how many characters, what the plot will be, what impression of the characters they want the viewer to have, where the story will take place, where they will direct the TV show, what equipment they will need, and how to go about doing this and achieving their goals. -
Ideas major people
Major people involved in the idea process would be the creator(s), writers, director, producer, artist, and others to bounce ideas off of. -
Ideas continued
Materials, tools, programs and equipment needed will be determined at this stage. They will need money to create the show and pay salaries to actors and others working on the show, cameras will be needed, writers, artists, make-up artists, editing software, and the location in which the show will be produced will all be determined. The location the show is actually produced in is determined based on how the setting needs to appear or on a movie set that is made to look as needed. -
Script length and process
The script for a TV show is ongoing depending on how long the television show lasts on TV. The initial season script probably takes a few months to create and is created by multiple writers. Writers would probably sit around and talk about the characters along with the producer and director. They decide what the viewer should feel and think about them and create interesting scenarios based on that information. -
Script materials
The script will be typed up on a computer word for word for each character and given to the actors so they can learn their lines for the show. The location of script writing is probably numerous places as I imagine the writers are going to the place the show is being taped to write as well as any other locations to give them more ideas and information. Since this show is about doctors, they may also go to a library, a hospital, or talk to doctors and nurses to gain relevent information. -
The storyboard for each episode probably takes a few days as the writers, artists, director and producer get together to put the scenes of the show together. They would draw the main events of the show with some captions to help put the scipt in a visual sense. The main people involved are mentioned above. The materials needed would be a large poster board(s), markers, and the script. The storyboard is probably put together for each episode in the season before anything more. -
The recording of a TV show would take a few months depending on the amount of episodes in the season. The actors would have their script to learn their lines, and they would all be brought together on set to do the TV show with cameras rolling. The major people would be the actors, directors, producers, make-up and costume people, the writers, cameramen, and others helpful in the making of the show. The main equipment needed would be the script and cameras. -
Editing would be completed by professionals in an editing room. The process would be to watch each episode over and over as they edit pieces out and make parts of the show look better. They would be sure to edit it down to the 44 minutes each episode takes from beginning to end. The people involved are simply the editors as well as occassionally the director and producer to watch the final version and give approval. -
Edit Continued
During the editing process, special editing programs would be used as well as computers and tv screens. There may also be special effect noises added at this time. The location of editing would be in the editing room with all the equipment. I imagine the rooms are located according to the producing company and where their equipment is kept and which locations are available. -
The finishing process would take a few months after the final taping according the when the release date is that was previously decided. The process is to have a date of release for the show, have clips advertising the start date and time of the show as well as the channel it will be on. The people involved are the producing company advertising the show. Materials needed are cable for the show to be advertised on and watched on. -
Finish continued
As a TV show, it's already known ahead of time that the finished product will be on television, so all that really needs to be done is the editing of cmmercials to advertise and having the show edited and ready to go on the day and time it's to be aired.