Hospitality & Tourism

  • 500

    Early Civilization

    Early Civilization
    Traveled to find food sources
    Traveled for pleasure
    Traveled for business
    Escape stronger Tribes
    Follow climate change
  • Jan 1, 1100

    Roman Era 400B.C

    Roman Era 400B.C
    Built 80 000 km of roads
    Inns /Taverns flourished
    Resturants / bars & entertainment rose as well
    Many travelers loved to go to Rome to seek food, education etc...
  • Jan 1, 1300

    4800 B.C - A.D 300

    4800 B.C - A.D 300
    Traveled to conduct trade
    Goverment business & education
    Egyptians made strong governtment which brought tourists
    Used boats to travel " easy axcess"
  • Jan 1, 1400

    Middle Ages

    Middle Ages
    Wars called crusades broke out
    Churches took over
    Merchants began to travel further to the countryside & brought back spices. silks and other supplies
    Desire for knowledge
  • Period: to

    17th-19th Century

    England sent their sons to "contient" to be educated in languages, financail skills & religion.
    This doubled " Le Grand Tour"
    This included trips to Paris, Florence,Rome,Zurich,Vierra.
  • Period: to


    Industrial revolution
    New ways to travel, steamships / steam trains and automobiles
    1903 air travel came into view
  • Period: to


    Air routes had been established and travel across the oceans.
    Safe travel once again became unattainable.
  • WWII

    People from across the country, representing all ages and occupations were shipped overseas to fight in this great war.
    Great advances were made in modes of transportation, bigger, faster planes and automobiles.
  • After WWII

    After WWII
    Modern machines fuelled a new groth in tourism.
    Industrialized nations became prosperous and with that prosperity came more discretionary income and time.
  • September 11th, 2001

    September 11th, 2001
    More than 2800 people were kileed.
    Representing 86 different nations.
    Innocent travellers and innocent workers were caught up in a war that was never theirs to wage.
  • Today

    Tourists are attracted to things such as clubs, historic sites, etc...
    People use computers to book rooms & sell condo's
    A perfect example; florida
    Internet has modernizied everything today
  • As Civilization Developed

    As Civilization Developed
    Sumerians & phoeicians focused to get more health & established trade to African/ Southern Europe.
    Sumerians invented Coinage
    Phoenicians first to use maps showing water routes
  • Future

    Technology taking over thus making it easier, faster & simpler to travel and tour places
    Travel will be made more simple/ easier.