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horseback riding

  • learning how to put a saddle on

    learning how to put a saddle on
    1.put saddle pad on horses back
    2.Then put saddle in your hands
    3.push the saddle until its fully on the horses back
    4.Then put the girth on the saddle and pull the rope
    5.pull it and pull it around and pull again and keep repeating
    6.get on the horse real quick
    7.get off and if the stirrups are to low or high fix them
    8.fix both sides and get on to make sure there even and when there even get on and start to ride off
    and thats how you fix your saddle and stirups
  • how the horses helped

    how the horses helped
    horses were very helpful in the 1900s. Because they helped with traveling.And most farmers used draft horses for hard were also important because they helped with hunting and they helped with war.
  • how to clean a horse

    how to clean a horse
    1.get tools may consist of a scraper,hose,shampoo and conditioner
    2.get the dirt off with a brush
    3.get the horse wet with a hose
    4.wash the horse with soap
    5.wash the soap off
    6.then put shampoo and conditioner on the tail and the mane
    7.wash out the mane and tail
    8.scrap off the water
    9.dry the mane and tail
    10.put the horse away and your done
  • things to know

    things to know
    To ride a horse you need cowgirl boots
    you need jeans
    you need good posture
    you need your hair back and ready
    and last you need at cowgirl hat
  • cleaning out the stalls

    cleaning out the stalls
    1.wear muck boots
    2.get shovel and wheel barrel the stall and take your horse out
    4.put your horse in crosties
    5.go in the stall and start to shovel
    6.when your shovel is full dump it into the wheelbarrel
    7.when the wheelbarrel is full dump it outside then your done
  • fun facts about horses

    fun facts about horses
    1.horses cant breathe thru their mouth
    2.horses can sleep standing up
    3.horses have really good hearing
    4.their are over 600 horse breeds
    5.horses can see in the dark really well
  • how to feed the horse

    how to feed the horse
    1.get hay
    2.get a hay net
    3.fill the hay net with hay
    4.then take it to the stall and hang it back up
    5.get the water bucket and fill it up
    6.go back to the stall and hang it back up
    7.then take another bucket and fill it with grain like 2 big scoops
    8.then put it back and your done
  • learn to go fast

    learn to go fast
    1.get on a horse and start to walk
    2.pick up to a trot
    3.when you get comfortable at a trot pick it up to a canter
    4.get used to that then go up to a gallop
    5.remember to use your balance in a gallop