Horseandbuggy 1910

Horse and Buggy Research

  • 6000 BCE

    Oxen and Donkeys

    Oxen and Donkeys
    They first started using oxen and donkeys for traveling to faraway places as the first use of transportation
  • 4000 BCE

    Domesticated Horses

    Domesticated Horses
    Based on changes in teeth records, butchering activities, shifts in settlement patterns, and historic depictions, experts believe that domestication took place around this time. Genetic evidence from horses, including changes in musculature and cognitive function, support this.
  • 3500 BCE

    Wheels and Sleds Are Combined

    Wheels and Sleds Are Combined
    In Mesopotamia, wheels started being added to sleds so people could travel from place to place well holding more things.
  • 3500 BCE

    The First Wheel

    The First Wheel
    The first wheels were seen for using travel were found in Mesopotamia, the Northern Caucuses, and Central Europe. These wheels were made out of wood very thick with only a small hole in the middle.
  • 3000 BCE

    The Chariot

    The Chariot
    The chariot was invented as the first horse-drawn vehicle which was a two-wheeled cart used for royal funerals.
  • 2978 BCE

    Horses Ridden

    Horses Ridden
    The discovery that horses could be ridden was almost as important as the first wheel being made. It was probably made about 5000 years ago by nomadic horse herders in Central Asia. The first horsemen must have ridden bareback, without saddle or stirrups.
  • 1300 BCE

    The Bit

    The Bit
    The Bit was invented as a piece of metal is placed between the horse’s teeth that can be manipulated using leather straps called reins to command the horse.
  • Taxi Coaches

    Taxi Coaches
    Coaches were used for taxi rides in the big city because otherwise, they would be too expensive for a normal person in that day to afford to pay for all the equipment and food you would need to take care of that horse.