Born on May 4th 1796 in Franklin, United States -
Served in Massachusetts as Legislature -
Was the leader of the movement for public education. pressed for more education and helped create a state board of education and helped create a state board of education. As secretary of the new board he doubled teachers salaries, opened 50 new high schools, and established training schools for teachers. -
Appointed secretary of the newly created board of education of Massachusetts. -
The Common School Journal
His six main principles in this journal were, 1.The public should no longer remain ignorant 2.Education should be paid for, controlled, and sustained by an interested public 3.Education will be best provided in schools that embrace children from a variety of backgrounds 4. That this education must be non-sectarian 5.That this education must be taught by the spirit, methods, and discipline of a free society 6.Education should be provided by well-trained, professional teachers -
Prussian education
In 1852 he supported the decision to adopt the Prussian education system in Massachusetts. This system helped bring all children of all classes together, so they could have a common learning experience. This would also give an opportunity to the less fortunate to advance in the social scale and education would "equalize the conditions of men." -
Died on August 2nd 1859 cause of death was unspecified