Honorverse Timeline

  • 203

    Lao Than discovers the cure for lung cancer

  • 252

    The Economic Winter of 252 PD devastates Earth's global economy, leading to the downfall of the Earth Union government

  • 305

    Dr. Cadwaller Pineau of Tulane University perfects practical, long-term cryogenic hibernation

  • Period: to

    The People's Republic of Haven begins its half century of conquest

  • Honor Harrington is born on the planet Sphinx

  • The April Massacre occurs on Haven, leading to the formation of the April Tribunal

  • Iris Babock enlisted in the Royal Manticoran Marine Corps. Grayson started to build its first Space stations

  • The Basilisk System is discovered and annexed by Manticore

  • Basilisk Act of Annexation

  • The First Grayson-Masadan War

  • The Charles Wade Pope-class light cruiser is introduced into the Havenite Navy

  • Grayson reinvents the inertial compensator

  • Honor Harrington enters the Royal Manticoran Naval Academy

  • Harrington graduates from Saganami Island

  • Honor Harrington is promoted to Lieutenant and assigned to HMS Osprey as sailing master

  • Honor Harrington assumes command of an intrasystem LAC

  • Masada starts to invest one third of their gross system product in their Navy for the planned conquest of Grayson

  • Haven invades San Martin; Tomas Ramirez his mother and sisters escape to Manticore

  • The Bureau of Mental Hygiene transfers from the Ministry of Public Health to the Secretary of Public Information

  • Trevor's Star System is annexed by the People's Republic of Haven

  • Honor Harrington enters the Commanding Officer's Course

  • Honor Harrington assumes command of HMS Hawkwing

  • Dame Estelle Matsukobecomes the Resident Commissioner for Planetary Affairs on Medusa

  • Alistair McKeon is promoted to executive officer of Fearless

  • The Battle of Refuge

    The Edward Saganami-B-class heavy cruiser HMS Gauntlet commanded by Captain Michael Oversteegen, is critically damaged after being ambushed by and then destroying four Solarian-built Gladiator class heavy cruisers being operated by agents of Manpower in the Tiberian system
  • Abigail Hearns, Grayson's first native-born female naval officer graduates from Saganami Island

  • The Mesan slave world Verdant Vista, in the Congo System, is liberated to become the Kingdom of Torch

  • Operation Cutworm I, II, III ensues.

  • Republican LACs raid the Alizon system in a deep probe against Alliance rear-area systems.

  • A negotiation offer from Haven summit is set for the Planet Torch. Manpower operatives cause the summit to collapse

  • Having escaped Mesa Victor and Anton are stuck in space with a broken down ship