My Birth
This date marks the day that I was born. -
Period: to
Comparison of Personal and Historical Events
The Attacks of Sept 11
There was a terrorist attack on this date lead by Saaddam Hussein in which four different planes were hijacked and set off course. Two planes hit the towers of the World Trade Center, one hit the Pentagon in Washngton D.C., and one was able to land safely in a field in central PA. These attacks were devastating, and caused a lot of damage, however it sparked a lot of patriotism in the U.S., and led us to increase our security. -
No Child Left Behind Act
This act, passed in 2002, was signed by George Bush, and changed laws in order to give more children the opportunity to have a better education. It required things such as state testing, which students like us have to go through each year, scientifically supported education programs, and more direct communication with parents about schools. As with any new law or act, there was controversy in the states, especially when there were higher testing requirements (k12.wa.us). -
Department of Homeland Security Created
The Department of Homeland Security(DHS), was officially created on this date to primarily protect against terrorist attacks and natural disasters. An Act was signed specifically for this department's addition, and it merged many other, smaller government agencies including Agriculture, Commerce, Defense, etc. The DHS would serve in the coming years as a center for many different domestic policies, and protection of the U.S. from various threats (Student Resources in Context). -
Start of Iraq War
In response to the terrorist attacks on Sept 11th, 2001, and the belief that Saddam Hussein and his group, Al Qaeda, had very powerful weapons, the U.S. president George Bush started a war against Iraq. It lasted from 2003 to 2011, and many different countries were involved in helping the U.S. Many different countries opposed the war because of the casualties that Iraq faced following the war, and that the Americans were not able to find many weapons at first(Gale Student Resources In Context). -
Tennesee v. Lane Supreme Court Case
This case deals with the Fourteenth Amendment, and how each state should provide "equal protection under the law", and accommodate to all citizens with laws deemed necessary. In this case, a man who had criminal charges pressed against him could not reach the courtroom on the second floor because he used a wheelchair, and there was no elevator. He was later arrested because he could not show up to court, but that was proven to be unconstitutional (U.S. History in Context). -
President Bush Reelected
After winning the election in 2000, George W. Bush was reelected in 2004 after a close race between Democrat John Kerry. Some of the issues that were present when people had to vote were the War in Iraq terrorism, gay marriage, and how to deal with the economy. Part of the reason that he was reelected was because of the leadership he had already displayed in his first term, which the would set the tone for the years to come in his presidency (Student Resources in Context). -
My First Trip
This date was my first trip ever where I stayed the night in a different place. My family and I went to Ocean City, MD for a week in which I had a lot of firsts, incuding my first time at the beach, possibly my first time in a hotel, etc. We would go to many different places throughout my lifetime, but this vacation started it all. -
Hurricane Katrina Hits Louisiana
Hurricane Katrina was one of the most powerful storms to hit the U.S. in the past century, and it caused major flooding with severe winds. The storm broke levees that held the Mississippi river back, and caused people in the cities surrounding New Orleans to be homeless because of the damage done by the storm. Much of the public was angered because the local, state, and federal governments did not know what their role was in recovering the cities (ABC-CLIO: American History). -
Birth of My Sister
This was the day on which my little sister Amy was born. I was in kindergarten at the time, and I remember being very excited on the drive to the hospital. -
2008 Financial Crisis
This event was one of the worst crises since the Great Depression that has impacted the U.S, which started in 2007. The prices for homes had drastically dropped, and the drop in prices quickly spread to numerous markets, banks, agencies, etc. The U.S. lost 33% of its value in 2008, and since the U.S. trades with many different countries, their economies took a turn for the worse (www.britannica.com). -
Barack Obama is Inaugurated
Barack Obama officially became the 44th President of the U.S. on this date. He broke racial barriers by becoming the first African American to become President. As wth te new presidency, there would come change to certain policies, and some would stay the same. -
Disney World
A week following this day, I went to Disney World for the first time, also the first time that we had traveled that far south. This was the week of my birthday, and I coincidentally got lots of sweets from that trip, however I still enjoyed myself a lot. Being the first time I had been to Disney World, it was a very different experience for me, and I saw many of the unique things that the park had to offer. -
Affordable Care Act Passed
Barack Obama passed the Affordable Care Act, which was a series of reforms that lowered heath care costs and increased the money that health care gave to people. It can be considered one of the more significant economic acts during the 21st century. There was a lot of opposition to this Act because many of the laws would come into effect into later years. However, the people enrolled for health insurance steadily grew, and in 2014 it reached 8 million (Gale U.S. History in Context). -
Math Olympiad Award Recieved
On this date, I received an award for Math Olympiad, a worldwide math contest for grades 4-8. I scored within the top 2 percent worldwide and was the only one in my school to do so, so I received a gold pin for my achievement. This was very important to me because I prided my achievement in math, which was my best subject, and I was recognized for it. -
Hurricane Sandy Hits Northeast
This was the largest Hurricane ever recorded in the Atlantic which devastated homes, buildings, and caused flooding and blackouts across the Northeast, but mostly New York and New Jersey. This was another test of the U.S.'s emergency system, since alot of funding was required, and many people were forced to evacuate cities and towns. This was also one of the more financially burdening storms, causing an estimate of 10$ billion. (Gale U.S. History in Context). -
Boston Marathon Bombing
On April 15th, two bombs were detonated during the Boston Marathon run, which ended up killing 3 and wounding almost 300. The people behind ths were brothers Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tzarnaev, who both immigrated from Russia, and were protesting the wars that the U.S. fought against Iraq and Afghanistan. This is an example of how not just Arabs in the U.S. were against the decisions that President Bush originally made to drag on the Middle Eastern conflict (U.S. History in Context). -
One World Trade Center Completed
More than a decade after the terrorist attacks on the twin towers, the new singular tower for the World Trade Center was finally completed. The NYC Government played a major role in its building. A long spire was added to the top of the tower, which made it one of the tallest buildings in the U.S., peaking at a symbolic 1,776 feet. For many people, especially New Yorkers, the tower is a symbol of American spirit, their recovery from the attacks, and their resilience (www.rferl.org). -
Sixth Grade Graduation
This day marked one of the final days of my time at elementary school. It was a very prestigious event where everyone in our sixth grade class was given different awards, and all of our family and friends came to watch. My sixth grade graduation would also mark my transition to the Junior High School and having to adjusting to their higher standards. -
My Bar Mitzvah
A Bar Mitzvah is traditionally known as the age when a Jewish Boy becomes a man, and I had my Bar Mitzvah on this date. It was a very anticipated and thrilling day for me that involved lots planning. There was a service first, and then a reception afterwards which was very fun. -
Same Sex Marriage Legal in All Fifty States
On this date, the supeme court decded that same sex marriage would be legal in all fifty states, which ended a very long fight for same sex marriage. People had been advocating for same sex marriage for decades, and it had become a more supported topic going into the 21st century. This meant that gay marriage was a Constitutinal right for everyone in the U.S., and they have the same rights as in a heterosexual marriage. (U.S. History in Context) -
Baby Cousin Born
On the way back fom a trip to South Carolina, my baby cousin named Miles was born. He was expected to be due around the date of our departure, so we were fortunate enough to stop midway through our drive, and see him hours after he was born. This was a very special event for me since things like that only happen by chance, and I had experienced part of what having a baby is like. -
North Korea Tests Nuclear Weapons
North Korea made its fourth nuclear test since 2006 on this date, which provoked many members of the United Nations, including the United States, China, and Russia. Obviously the idea of North Korea using nuclear weapons could effect our safety, and the U.N. had taken preventative measures such as embargoes and a travel ban on North Korea. This time, however, China being one of North Korea's Allies was actually helping in trying to stop these attempts (Student Resources in Context). -
First High School Track Meet
In my 9th grade year, I joined the high school track and field team, and my first high school tack meet was the sart of my best season. I had been doing track snce elementary school, howeer ths meet felt more professional, being at a higher level. This meet also made me feel a sense of athleticism, and more respect for what I had done up to this point. -
First Day of High School
This day marked the beginning of my high school career, heling to continue my education as a whole. My adjustment between schools was gradual, however I was able to manage the difference in work and atmosphere. I was lucky enough to have Mr. Garry as my first period Civics teacher, who is extremely sympathetic and is all around the best teacher. I am not saying this because this happens to be a project for him.