
  • The Articles of Confederation are ratified

    The Articles of Confederation are ratified
    The Articles were officialy ratified on March 1st, 1781, but would soon prove to be too weak to support the growing nation.
  • Period: to

    Articles to Constitution

  • Congress gets the boot

    Soldiers demanding pay caused Congress to leave Philidelphia, exhibiting the importance of having a national army yet again.
  • Annapolis Convention

    A group of state delegates met to discuss trade problems, but decided to meet at a later date to discuss the topic more in depth, showing that the 9/13 states law was not at all practical.
  • Shay's Rebellion

    Daniel Shay led agroup of farmers to overtake an aresenal of weapons in Massachusetts, showing the weakness of the nation without a national army, and "lit the Articles on fire"
  • Virginia Plan

    The Virginia Plan was a proposal by Virginia delegates calling for a legislative branch. Without a legislative branch, the US government was unable to enforce laws, showing another weakness to the articles.
  • The US Constitution is ratified

    On June 1st, 1788 the US Constitution is ratified, creating a stronger central government, and it must have been pretty darn good, because we're still using it today!