Austhropitecus Afrendus
This hominoid group lived about 4,000,000 years B.C.E. (before common era). The archeologist found skeletal remains in Africa. The spices were bipedal. They were about 3 feet tall and had brains one third the size of ours. The only tools they had were their arms. Since they had arms they could gather and carry. -
Homo Habils
Homo Habilis, or handy man, lived 2,000,000 years B.C.E.. Their remains were found in the African desert. Their brains were two times the size of ours. These hominoids had their arms and simple tools. The reason the people were called handy man was because they were able to make tools to protect themselves. -
Homo Erectus
The Homo Erectus lived from 2,000,000 to 1,000,000 years B.C.E. They were nomadic. They traveled through Africa, Asia, and Europe. they had strong bones and they were smarter. They were smart enough to make fire. They also made huts. Homo Erectus was able to make complex tools , walk, and run. -
Homo Sapiens
Homo sapiens neandrathalis lived 1,000,000 years B.C.E. They were found in Germany's Neander Valley. They had large brains and were more like modern humans. They made scrapers, knives, and spears. These hominoids lived in groups, and actually burried their dead. This action showed they cared for each other. -
Homo Sapiens Sapiens
Homo sapiens sapiens were early modern humans. Their bones were found in Africa, Europe, Asia, and Australia. They had rounded skuls, large brains, and small teeth and bones. Homo sapiens sapiens means doubly wise man. They were able to make hooks, spears, a spear thrower, and bow and arrow. Homo sapiens sapiens made cave art, and were able to communicate with each other.