• 1 CE

    Homo Habilis (1,9 - 1,6 million years ago)

    Homo Habilis (1,9 - 1,6 million years ago)
    They were the first that used tools and build huts to make life easier. They were also the first that emigrated from Africa and they had bigger brain and teeth than Australopithecus ,they had smaller pelvis too.
  • 2

    Homo Erectus (1,8 millions - 350.000 years ago)

    Homo Erectus (1,8 millions - 350.000 years ago)
    They have a characteristic angular low and bigger skull. They looked robust and they were 1,80 metres long. It was the first that dominated fire.
  • 3

    Homo Antecessor (760.000 years ago - It isn´t Knowed)

    Homo Antecessor (760.000 years ago - It isn´t Knowed)
    They were fatty and had long hair because they had to live on cold climates. Bigger brain, strong eyebrows and smaller teeths. They practice cannibalism. They still had a simian look and they were the first that started painting on caves.
  • 4

    Homo Neanderthalensis (230.000 - 70.000 years ago)

    Homo Neanderthalensis (230.000 - 70.000 years ago)
    They are very robust with wide chest, short extremities, low forehead and skull size similar to ours. It is thinked that they had already developed some type of language.
  • 5

    Homo Sapiens (315.000 years ago - now)

    Homo Sapiens (315.000 years ago - now)
    They have developed the capacity to express their feelings through the language or the art. They have U shape gums. Their body allows them to perform a wide range of movements like dancing, etc. They are allowed to use their hands easily because of their opposable thumbs.