3500 BCE
Mesopotamia Forms
3100 BCE
Egypt Is Unified
3100 BCE
IRV Begins To Rise
Might have been due to burnt bricks to control flooding -
2800 BCE
Epic of Gilgamesh Occurs
2650 BCE
First Pyramid Is Built
Beginning of the use of pyramids for burial sites in Egypt -
2600 BCE
Harappa and Indus River Valley Are Created
Formed from earlier small cities that were unified into one -
2200 BCE
Xia Dynasty Comes to Power In China
2200 BCE
End of Neolithic China
1750 BCE
Aryans Move Into IRV
decline of harappa -
1700 BCE
Shang Dynasty Rules In China
1500 BCE
The Vedas Were Written
Texts that were worshipped in the IRV and led to concepts like the caste system in Vedic India -
1300 BCE
Assyrians Conquer Mesopotamia
1300 BCE
Assyrians Conquer Mesopotamia
1122 BCE
Zhou Dynasty Overthrow The Shang
1050 BCE
Egypt Is Split Into Smaller City States
770 BCE
Zhou Split Into East and West
700 BCE
Upanishads Written in Vedic India
Focus on gods, spirit, and salvation -
700 BCE
Assyrians Conquer Egypt
600 BCE
Buddha Begins To Be Worshipped By Followers
Beginning of Buddhism -
500 BCE
Beginning of Warring States Period In China
221 BCE
Qin Dynasty Come Into Power