
  • First mobile

    First mobile
    Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone in 1876. And then in 1900, on December 23 in Washington, D.C., an inventor named Reginald Fessenden accomplished a remarkable feat: He made the first wireless telephone call.
  • First television

    First television
    Television was not invented by a single inventor, instead many people working together and alone over the years. In England in 1878, John Loggie Baird, a Scottish amateur scientist, successfully transmitted the first TV picture, after years of work, in 1926, with his mechanical system.
  • Mass production

    Mass production
    Mass production is the most often used way to produce things. It’s meant for producing high quantity for low prices per piece. It started 1889 in French in the car business. Today is it used all over the world.
  • Inventation Internet

    Inventation Internet
    The Internet don’t really has an inventer out of the reason that many people help making it how it is today. The Internet got its start in the USA more than 50 years ago as a government weapon in the Cold War. 1957 the first satellite were started and it took a long time till in the 1890s the World Wide Web were born
  • End of WW1

    End of WW1
    At the end of WW1 (1918) the big 3 (The presidents of USA, Brittan and France
    came together in French to make a treaty for the Germans which is called treaty of Versailles. The content was: Germany had to pay, Germany was just a small army allowed and they had to give very much of their land away
  • The Treaty of Versailles

    The Treaty of Versailles
    The Treaty of Versailles was the Consequence of the WWI. It was made by more than 30 states but the important once were the ,, big 3” America, Brittan and French. It says: 1. Demilitarise Germany
    2. Make them pay for the war demise
    3. Blame the Germans for the War
    4. Take their territory
  • Jezz age

    Jezz age
    In 1920's America everybody seemed to have money. The nightmare that was the Wall Street crush of October 1929, was inconceivable right up until it happened. The 1920’s saw a break with the traditional set-up in America. The Great war had destroyed old perceived social conventions and new ones develop.
  • Black tuesday

    Black tuesday
    1. October 1929 is in history now as the ,, black Tuesday” it was the second time that the marked crushed and it started the Great Depression. Many People lost their jobs. Millions were workless.
  • Great Depression

    Great Depression
    The great Depression was a political and economic difficult time from 1929 to early 1940. Everything began with the black Tuesday 1929, the banks were forced to close and the people was afraid to become poor so everybody tried to sell their stock and no one bought it. It lasted 11 years.
  • Day of Mourning

    Day of Mourning
    26 January 1938 William cooper and Jack Patten, Victoria and New South wales, was a protest by Australian Aboriginal which toke 150 years. It was designed to stay in contrast to the from British colonies invented Australia day.
  • Start WW2

    Start WW2
    WWII started 1939 and there were many reasons for. The treaty of Versailles after the first World war let the Germans angry and defences. The value of the money became less and less so that you had to pay 1931 2 Billion Reichsmark (the German money in 1931). After a new Minister named Streseman did some necessary but unpopular decisions the Germans were bloody angry of the government so Streseman just had 100 as a minister and Hitler started to become more popular he rebuild the army and the
  • Bombing on Hawaii

    Bombing on Hawaii
    On 7. December 1941, the Japanese launched a surprise air attack Pearl Harbor in Hawaii. It cost 2400 Americans their live and 21 ships were sunk. The bombing was the reason that the brang the USA into the WW2
  • Bombing on Dawin

    Bombing on Dawin
    19 February 1942 Darwin was attached with bombs by the Japanese. The bomb was planned by the same commander who has already responsible for an attach 10 weeks ago. 243 were killed and between 300- 400 were wonded.
  • Bombing Hiroshima and Nagasaki

    Bombing Hiroshima and Nagasaki
    Bombing the cities Hiroshima and Nagasaki at the end of WW2 in August 6 1945. Hiroshima was bombed with a ,, little boy” and Nagasaki with a ,, fat man’’ bomb. Even if the war in Europe already ended in 8 may 1945, did the pacific war continue.166000 people were killed in Hiroshima the first month.
  • Human Rights

    Human Rights
    The Universal Declaration on Human Rights was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 1948. Australia has remained a supporter of human rights. Australia has ratified almost all of the major international human rights instruments.
  • Melbourn Olympics

    Melbourn Olympics
    The Melbourne 1956 Games was the first time Australia hosted the Olympics. In many ways, it was the Games that ,, invited” Australia to the rest of the world. It was also the first time that The Olympics weren’t in Europe or the USA.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    In 13 October 1962 US President Kennedy had secret information about a nuclear missile build by the Soviet Union in Cuba. He decided to block Cuba with a ring of chips and gave an interview where he told the public about the situation. Kennedy and Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev found a solution without war.
  • I have a dream speach

    I have a dream speach
    Martin Luther King Jr. delivers his ‘I Have a Dream Speech’ at 28 of August 1963 on the steps of Lincoln Memorial during the March for Washington for Jobs and Freedom. The speech played a pivotal role in the fight for equality and freedom during the American Civil Rights Movement.
  • SAFE the aborigines

    SAFE the aborigines
    1965, Charles Perkins, Safe for Aborigines! Student Action for Aborigines! A Group of Universities in Sydney organized a bus Tour which had the sense to take attention to the Aborigines and how they are treat.
  • Crocodile Dundee

    Crocodile Dundee
    Crocodile Dundee Is a film with the plot that a American goes to the Australian outback to meet an crocodile poacher and invites him to New York City. It came out 1986
  • Fall of Berlin Wall

    Fall of Berlin Wall
    The Berlin Wall was as well physical division between West Berlin and East Germany from 1961 to 1989 and the symbolic wall between democracy and communism during the Cold War. It felled at the 9 november 1989