Jan 16, 1075
Pope Gregory VII banned lay inversture
After banning lay investiture, the furious young Germann emperor, Henry IV immediatly called a meeting of the German bishops he had appointed. WIth their approval, the emperor ordered the Gregory to step down from the papacy. -
Jan 16, 1077
Henry crossed into the town of Canossa
In January 1077, Henry crossed the snowy alps and came into a the Italian town of Canossa and he then approached the castle that Gregory was staying as a guest. -
Jan 16, 1122
The sucessors of Gregory and Henry stop fighting
The sucessors of Gregory and Henry finally stop their fight over lay investiture. -
Jan 16, 1152
Germany gets a stronger ruler named Frederick I
The seven princes who elected the German king realized that Germany needed a stronger ruler to keep its peace so they chose Frederick I and nicknamed him "Barbarossa" due to his red beard. -
Jan 16, 1176
Battle of Legnano
The foot soliders of the Lomard League face Frederick's army of mounted knights. The Italian foot soliders used crossbows and defeated the feudal knights for the first time in history. -
Jan 16, 1177
Frederick makes peace
Frederick makes peace with the pope and travels back to Germany. -
Jan 16, 1190
Frederick dies
After Frederick drowns his entire empire falls to pieces. -
Otto crowned emperor
In 962, the pope crowned Otto the Great the emperor -
Charlemagne dies
Charlemagne also known as the Holy Roman Emperor crowned by the pope dies. -
Charlemagne crowned emperor
Pope Leo III crowns Charlemagne emperor, he unknowingly sets the stage for future conflicts with popes and emperors. -
Territory in Northern Italy seized